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The writings and speeches of Oliver Cromwell, 4 vols. (Cambridge, MA, 1937–47).
Year Books of Edward IV: 10 Edward IV and 49 Henry VI, ed. Neilson, N., Selden Society 47 (London, 1931).
Year Books, Annalium tam regum Edwardi Quinti, Ricardi Tertii, et Henrici Septimi, quam Henrici Octavi (1679).
Year Books, Les reports de la cases conteinus in les ans vint primer et après (anno 21, 22, 27, 28, 29) in temps del Roy Hen le Siz (1679).
Year Books, Les reports del cases en ley que furent argues en le temps de tres haut princes les roys Henry le IV et Henry le V (1679).
Year Books, Les reports des cases en ley que furent argues en temps du roy Edward le Quart (1680).
The Zurich letters comprising the correspondence of several English bishops and others with some of the Helvetian reformers during the early part of the reign of Queen Elizabeth, ed. Hastings, Robertson (Cambridge, 1842).
The Zurich letters comprising the correspondence of several English bishops and others with some of the Helvetian reformers during the reign of Queen Elizabeth, ed. Hastings, Robertson, second series (Cambridge, 1845).