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Cambridge University Press
Online publication date:
November 2015
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This book is an empirical study of contributions by courts in the Global South to comparative constitutionalism. It offers an analytical framework for understanding these constitutional innovations and illustrates them with a qualitative study of the most ambitious case in constitutional adjudication in Latin America over the last decade: the Colombian Constitutional Court's structural injunction affecting the rights of over five million internally displaced people and its implementation process. Although the ruling (known as T25) was handed down in 2004, its monitoring process continues. This book traces the case's evolution from its origin to its effects on policy, politics and public opinion. It also compares the implementation and effects of T25 with those of other rulings on the rights to health, food, housing, and prison overcrowding in Colombia, India and South Africa. The study's insights will be of interest to scholars of comparative constitutionalism in Latin America, Africa and Asia.

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Government Documents

National Council for Integral Attention to the Displaced Population [Consejo Nacional de Atención Integral a la Población Desplazada, CNAIPD]

  • CNAIPD, Act 4 of January 12, 2005

  • CNAIPD, Statement 1 of 2005

  • CNAIPD, Acts 1–21

  • CNAIPD, Act 10, July 18, 2006

Ministry of the Interior and Justice [Ministerio del Interior y Justicia]

  • Directive 3 of 2004

  • Directive 4 of 2004

  • Directive 2 of 2005

Unit for Victims’ Attention and Reparation [Unidad para la Atención y Reparación Integral a las Víctimas]

  • Resolution 388 of 2013

National Development Plans (NDP) [Plan Nacional de Desarrollo (PND)]

  • NDP 2006–2010. “Communal State: Development for Everyone” [Estado Comunitario: desarrollo para todos].

  • NDP 2011–2014. “Prosperity for Everyone” [Prosperidad para Todos].

National Council for Economic and Social Policy [Consejo Nacional de Política Económica y Social]

  • Conpes document 2804 of 1995

  • Conpes document 2924 of 1997

  • Conpes document 3057 of 1999

  • Conpes document 3115 of 2001

  • Conpes document 3400 of 2001

Colombian Constitutional Court [Corte Constitucional de Colombia]

Judgments [Sentencias]

  • Judgment SU-559 of 1997

  • Judgment T-227 of 1997

  • Judgment T-068 of 1998

  • Judgment T-153 of 1998

  • Judgment T-590 of 1998

  • Judgment C-700 of 1999

  • Judgment T-535 of 1999

  • Judgment T-144 of 1999

  • Judgment SU-090 of 2000

  • Judgment SU-1150 of 2000

  • Judgment T-1635 of 2000

  • Judgment T-602 of 2003

  • Judgment T25 of 2004

  • Judgment T-760 of 2008

Decisions [Autos]

  • Decision 387 of 1997

  • Decision 1150 of 2000

  • Decision 185 of 2004

  • Decision 176 of 2005

  • Decision 177 of 2005

  • Decision 178 of 2005

  • Decision 218 of 2006

  • Decision 266 of 2006

  • Decision 333 of 2006

  • Decision 334 of 2006

  • Decision 335 of 2006

  • Decision 337 of 2006

  • Decision 27 of 2007

  • Decision 58 of 2007

  • Decision 101 of 2007

  • Decision 109 of 2007

  • Decision 200 of 2007

  • Decision 233 of 2007

  • Decision 2 of 2008

  • Decision 11 of 2008

  • Decision 52 of 2008

  • Decision 53 of 2008

  • Decision 68 of 2008

  • Decision 92 of 2008

  • Decision 116 of 2008

  • Decision 251 of 2008

  • Decision 1190 of 2008

  • Decision 4 of 2009

  • Decision 5 of 2009

  • Decision 6 of 2009

  • Decision 7 of 2009

  • Decision 8 of 2009

  • Decision 9 of 2009

  • Decision 11 of 2009

  • Decision 36 of 2009

  • Decision 52 of 2009

  • Decision 119 of 2009

  • Decision 314 of 2009

  • Decision 342A of 2009

  • Decision 266 of 2009

  • Decision 382 of 2010

  • Decision 383 of 2010

  • Decision 174 of 2011

  • Decision 219 of 2011

  • Decision A45 of 2012

  • Decision 29 of 2012

  • Decision 115A of 2012

  • Decision 116 of 2012

  • Decision 173 of 2012

  • Decision 299 of 2012

  • Decision of November 1, 2012

  • Decision 8 of 2013

  • Decision 98 of 2013

  • Decision 99 of 2013

  • Decision 119 of 2013

  • Decision 145 of 2013

  • Decision 234 of 2013

  • Decision 73 of 2014

  • Decision of March 11, 2014

  • Press Release, February 6, 2004

Laws and Decrees

Decrees [Decretos]

  • Decree 2591 of 1991

  • Decree 2569 of 2000

  • Decree 2007 of 2001

  • Decree 250 of 2005

  • Decree 2467 of 2005

  • Decree 4633 of 2011

  • Decree 4634 of 2011

  • Decree 4635 of 2011

Laws [Leyes]

  • Law 387 of 1997

  • Law 589 of 2000

  • Law 975 2005

  • Law 1151 of 2007

  • Law 1190 of 2008

  • Law 1448 of 2011 (Victims and Land Restitution Law)

  • Law Decree 4633 of 2011

  • Presidential Directive 06 of October 7, 2005


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