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Cambridge University Press
Online publication date:
February 2013
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While Syria has been dominated since the 1960s by a determinedly secular regime, the 2011 uprising has raised many questions about the role of Islam in the country's politics. This book demonstrates that with the eradication of the Muslim Brothers after the failed insurrection of 1982, Sunni men of religion became the only voice of the Islamic trend in the country. Through educational programs, charitable foundations and their deft handling of tribal and merchant networks, they took advantage of popular disaffection with secular ideologies to increase their influence over society. In recent years, with the Islamic resurgence, the Alawi-dominated Ba'thist regime was compelled to bring the clergy into the political fold. This relationship was exposed in 2011 by the division of the Sunni clergy between regime supporters, bystanders and opponents. This book affords a new perspective on Syrian society as it stands at the crossroads of political and social fragmentation.


'Empirically rich and with penetrating analysis, Pierret's book provides an alternative history of modern Syrian politics, quite different from those focusing on the Ba'th regime. It challenges simplistic views about Syrian Islam and its relation to the state, showing the great complexity both of the Islamic sphere in the country and of the relations by which both the Ba'th regime and the variegated ulama and Islamists have sought to use or oppose the other.'

Raymond Hinnebusch - Centre for Syrian Studies, University of St Andrews

'Thomas Pierret's pathbreaking study takes us into the networks and mindset of Syria' sunni religious leaders, a unique analysis of the fabric of the Syrian upheaval, that holds many keys for the reading of the future.'

Gilles Kepel - Sciences Po Paris

'This recent study of Thomas Pierret is a welcome addition to the existing literature on the subject, and is a comprehensive study of Syria’s little known religious scene … Pierrett’s book is a thought provoking, complex and engaging work. It is well written and includes useful explanations that help the reader navigate through a complex and very condensed history. The author’s arguments are also enriched by an impressive list of references.'

Abderrahman Zouhir Source: Middle East Media and Book Reviews

'This remarkably informative and timely book analyzes the struggle of the high hereditary ulama (clergy) in Syria … Recommended. Graduate and research collections.'

R. W. Olson Source: Choice

'… the author offers … a solid analysis of the networks, the ideas, and the activities of the Sunni clerics in modern Syria. I highly recommend the book to students and scholars of political science and sociology of religion, especially those interested in modern Islam.'

Abdessamad Belhaj Source: Journal of Church and State

'Throws new light on the Sunni establishment in Syria.'

Source: The Times Literary Supplement

'… highlights the regime’s overarching concern with security versus institution building.'

Elie Chalala Source: Al Jadid: A Review and Record of Arab Culture and Arts

'… Thomas Pierret has done the world a service with Religion and State in Syria: The Sunni Ulama from Coup to Revolution. The book portrays a holistic analysis of condensed historical events from 1920 to 2012 … The book will be of interest to both academics and a more general readership.'

Ahmed Sajjad Source: Middle East Policy

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Publications in European Languages
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Publications in Arabic
Abaza, Nizar. al-Shaykh Ali al-Daqr: Rajul ahya Allah bihi al-umma [Sheikh Ali al-Daqr: the man through whom God reawakened the umma] (Damascus: Dar al-Fikr, 2010).
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Abaza, Nizar and al-Hafiz, Muti ‘. Tarikh ‘ulama’ Dimashq fi al-qarn al-rabi‘ ‘ashar al-hijri [History of the ulama of Damascus in the fourteenth century AH] (Damascus: Dar al-Fikr, 1986–91).
‘Abd al-Hakim, ‘Umar (aka Abu Mus‘ab al-Suri). al-Thawra al-islamiyya al-jihadiyya fi Suriyya [The jihadi Islamic revolution in Syria] (n.p.: n.p., n.d.).
‘Abduh, Samir. Hadatha dhat marra fi Suriyya: dirasa li-l-siyasat al-suriyya–al-‘arabiyya fi ‘ahday al-wahda wa-l-infisal 1958–1963 [It happened in Syria: a study of Syrian–Arab politics during the union and the secession] (Damascus: Dar ‘Ala’ al-Din, 1998).
‘Absu, Fayyad. ‘al-Madrasa al-Sha‘baniyya’ (, 2 August 2008).
al-Ahmad, Khalid. ‘Mi’dhana wa dabbaba’ [A minaret and a tank] (, 21 April 2007).
‘Akkam, Mahmud. Min maqulat al-fikr al-islami [On the philosophical categories of Islamic thought] (Aleppo: Fussilat, 2002).
al-‘Alawna, Ahmad. Dhayl al-a‘lam [Continuation of the great men] (Jeddah: Dar al-Manara, 1998).
al-Albani, Nasir al-Din. al-Radd ‘ala al-Ta‘aqqub al-hathith li-l-Shaykh Abdullah al-Habashi [Refutation of The Winged Monitoring of Sheikh Abdullah al-Habashi] (Damascus: al-Tamaddun al-Islami, 1958).
al-‘Ali, Ibrahim Muhammad. Muhammad Nasir al-Din al-Albani: muhaddith al-‘asr wa nasir al-sunna [Muhammad Nasir al-Din al-Albani: hadith scholar of the century and defender of the Sunna] (Damascus: Dar al-Qalam, 2001).
al-‘Ammar, Muhammad. ‘Jawdat Sa‘id: kama afhamuhu wa kayfa ‘araftuhu’ [Jawdat Sa‘id: how I understand him and how I met him], in Buhuth wa maqalat muhaddat ilayhi [Festschrift in honour of Jawdat Sa‘id] (Damascus: Dar al-Fikr, 2006), 47–71.
‘Arrabi, Nizar. Murafa‘at wa ahkam [Pleadings and judgments] (Damascus: Dar Tlass, 2007).
As‘id, Muhammad Shakir. al-Barlaman al-suri fi tatawwurihi al-tarikhi [The Syrian parliament in its historical development] (Damascus: al-Mada, 2002).
al-Atasi, Ali. ‘al-Faqih wa-l-sultan: Shaykh al-Buti namudhijan’ [The faqih and the sultan: the example of Sheikh al-Buti] (, 19 November 2004).
al-Atasi, Basil. Tarikh al-usra al-atasiyya wa tarajim mashahiriha [History of the al-Atasi family and the biographies of its famous men]. Unpublished document, undated.
‘Ayntabi, Fawzi and ‘Uthman, Najwa. Halab fi mi‘a ‘am [Aleppo through one hundred centuries] (Aleppo: Ma‘had al-Turath al-‘Ilmi al-‘Arabi, 1993).
al-‘Ayti, Yasir. Li-‘uyunik ya Quds [For your eyes, O Jerusalem] (Beirut: al-Maktab al-Islami, 2001).
Barut, Jamal. ‘Suriyya: usul wa ta’arrujat al-sira‘ bayn al-madrasatayn at-taqlidiyya wa al-radikaliyya’ [Syria: origins and twists and turns of the conflict between the traditional and radical schools], in al-Ahzab wa-l-harakat wal-jama‘at al-islamiyya [Islamic parties, movements, and groups], ed. Barut, Jamal and Darraj, Faysal (Damascus: Arab Center for Strategic Studies, 2000), 255–324.
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al-Bayruti, Mahmud. al-Shaykh Muhammad Badr al-Din al-Hasani wa athr majalisihi fi al-mujtama‘ al-dimashqi [Sheikh Muhammad Badr al-Din al-Hasani and the influence of his teachings on Damascene society] (Damascus: Dar al-Bayruti, 2009).
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al-Buti, Sa‘id RamadanHadha walidi: al-qissa al-kamila li-hayat al-shaykh Mulla Ramadan al-Buti [This was my father: the full story of the life of Sheikh Mulla Ramadan al-Buti] (Damascus: Dar al-Fikr, 1995).
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al-Buti, Sa‘id RamadanMin al-fikr wa-l-qalb: fusul al-naqd fi al-‘ulum wa-l-ijtima‘ wa-l-adab [From thought and heart: chapters of critique in the realms of sciences, society, and literature] (Damascus: Dar al-Farabi, 1972).
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al-Buti, Sa‘id Ramadanal-Salafiyya; marhala zamaniyya mubaraka la madhhab islami [Salafiyya: a blessed historical period, not a school of fiqh] (Damascus: Dar al-Fikr, 1991).
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Haddad, Jibril. Tuhfat al-labib bi-nusrat al-Habib Ali al-Jifri [The true substance in the defence of al-Habib Ali al-Jifri] (Damascus: Dar Tayyibat al-Gharra’, 2007).
Hadid, Marwan. ‘Nida’ ila al-‘ulama’ al-‘amilin wa-l-muslimin al-mukhlisin wa-l-jama‘at al-islamiyya’ [Call to the active scholars, the sincere Muslims, and the Islamic groups] ( [written in 1975]).
al-Hafiz, Muti‘. Dar al-Hadith al-Ashrafiyya bi-Dimashq: dirasa tarikhiyya wa tawthiqiyya [Dar al-Hadith al-Ashrafiyya in Damascus: a historical and documentary study] (Damascus: Dar al-Fikr, 2001).
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‘Itr, Nur al-Din. Safahat min hayat al-imam shaykh al-islam al-shaykh Abdullah Siraj al-Din al-Hussayni [Pages from the life of the Imam Sheikh of Islam, Sheikh Abdullah Siraj al-Din al-Husseini] (Aleppo: Dar al-Ru’ya, 2003).
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al-Jarrah, ‘A’ida. ‘Abd al-Rahman Hasan Habannaka al-Midani, al-‘alim al-mufakkir al-mufassir: zawji kama ‘araftuhu [‘Abd al-Rahman Hasan Habannaka al-Midani, the scholar, thinker, and exegete: my husband as I have known him] (Damascus: Dar al-Qalam, 2001).
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Kallas, Ahmad. ‘Tarjamat al-‘allamat al-murabbi al-zahid al-faqih al-shaykh Muhammad Adib Kallas’ [Biography of the savant, educator, ascetic, and faqih, Sheikh Muhammad Adib Kallas] (, 2007).
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al-Rifa‘i, ‘Abd al-Karimal-Ma‘rifa fi bayan ‘aqidat al-muslim [Knowledge in the statement of the doctrine of the Muslim] (Damascus: al-Ghazali, 1990).
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