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Cambridge University Press
Online publication date:
January 2010
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Organisational Sociology, Ethics, Philosophy, Sociology, Political Philosophy

Book description

Why do leaders fail ethically? In this book, Terry L. Price applies a multi-disciplinary approach to an understanding of immorality in the public, private, and non-profit sectors. He argues that leaders can know that a certain kind of behavior is generally required by morality but nonetheless be mistaken as to whether the relevant moral requirement applies to them in a particular situation and whether others are protected by this requirement. Price articulates how leaders make exceptions of themselves, explains how the justificatory force of leadership gives rise to such exception-making, and develops normative prescriptions that leaders should adopt as a response to this feature of their moral psychology.


"This is an excellent book. To my knowledge it is far and away the best treatment of the ethics of leadership. It engages the business ethics literature as well as relevant philosophical literature. The treatment is deep, well-balanced, and original. Overall the book is written in an exceptionally lucid and accessible style." --Prof. Allen Buchanan

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