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Published online by Cambridge University Press: 25 March 2019
On October 17, 1905, the tsar published a decree establishing freedom of speech and of the press in Russia. Very soon, however, restrictions were again imposed: even preliminary censorship quickly returned. That brief period in the fall of 1905 remains important in the political and literary history of Russia; a moment when two great movements collided over the crucial issue of freedom.
The most vital and most imaginative political group in Russia at that time was Lenin's Social Democratic Party. The most vital and imaginative literary group was the Symbolists, whose activities more or less centered in the magazine Vesy (The Balance).
1 Lenin, V. I., What Is to Be Done? (New York, 1929), pp. 166-7.Google Scholar
2 Ibid., p. 20.
3 Ibid., p. 21.
4 Lenin, V. I., Sochinenija (Moscow, 1941-50), IV, 304-5.Google Scholar
5 Lenin, V. I., What Is to Be Done?, pp. 21-22.Google Scholar
6 Ibid., pp. 14-15.
7 Ibid., p. 165.
8 Minskij, N. M., “Starinnyj spor,” Zarja, July 24, 1884.Google Scholar
9 see Meilakh, B., Lenin iproblemy russkoj literature (Moscow, 1951), pp. 77–78 Google Scholar.
10 Meilakh, B., Stikhotvorenija. (St. Petersburg, 1887), pp. 41-42 Google Scholar.
11 From the archives of the Glavnoe upravlenie po delam pechati as cited in Meilakh, op. cit.. p. 179.
12 Minskij, N. M., Na obshchestvennye temy (St. Petersburg, 1909), p. 197.Google Scholar
13 Desnickij, V., M. Gor'kij. Ocherki zhizni i tvorchestva (Leningrad, 1935), pp. 58–59 Google Scholar.
14 Lenin, V. I., Sochinenija, XXXIV, 355.Google Scholar
15 Ibid., XI, 350.
16 Lenin, V. I., letter to party organizations December 12, 1904 in Sochinenija, VIII, 492.Google Scholar
17 Lenin, V. I., “Partijnaja organizacija i partijnaja literatura,” Novaja zhizn', No. 12, 1905.Google Scholar
18 Ibid.
19 Belinskij, V. G., Polnoe sobranie sochinenij (St. Petersburg 1900-14), VII, 312 Google Scholar.
20 Doklad t. zhdanova o zhurnalakh “Zvezda” i “Leningrad” (Moscow, 1946), p. 26.
21 Ibid.
22 Stalin, J. V., Sochinenija (Moscow, 1946-1951), II, 229 Google Scholar.
23 In conversation.
24 Blok, A. A., Ante Lucem, poems 1898-1900, in Stikhi o prekrasnoj dame (Moscow, 1904).Google Scholar
25 Quoted in Meilakh, op. cit., p. 154.
26 Struve, P., in Poljarnaja zvezda 1905, No. 2, p. 128.Google Scholar
27 Ibid., 1907, No. 14, p. 227.
28 “Dovolnym” and “Visja nad gorodom vsemirnym”.
29 Brjusov, V., in Fakely, I, (St. Petersburg, 1906), 26.Google Scholar
30 Lenin, V. I., “Uslyshish sud glupca…“; cf. Sochinenija, XI, 428 Google Scholar.
31 Avrelij [v. Brjusov], “Svoboda slova” Vesy, 1905, No. 11, pp. 61-66. Symbolist and non- Symbolist articles attacking Lenin's article include those by D. Filosovov, D. Merezhkovskij, N. Berdjaev.
32 lnjuly, 1905; cf. V. I. Lenin, Sochinenija, IX, 144.
33 Frank, S., “Politika i idei,” Poljarnaja zvezda. 1905, No. 1, p. 19.Google Scholar
34 Letter from Brjusov to Sologub, August 31, 1907, in Arkhiv Instituta russkoj literaturj Akademii nauk SSSR, bumagi F. Sologuba, as quoted in Meilakh, op. cit., p. 162.
35 Brjusov, V., “Kljuchi tain,” Vesy, 1904. No. 1, p. 6.Google Scholar
36 Belinskij, V. G., op. cit., XI, 66.Google Scholar
37 Lenin, V. I., Sochinenija, XI, 60.Google Scholar
38 Meilakh, B., op. cit., p. 163.Google Scholar
39 Stendahl, , The Charterhouse of Parma (New York), Anchor books, p. 417 Google Scholar
40 Blackmur, R. P., The Lion and the Honeycomb (New York, 1954)Google Scholar.