Crossref Citations
This article has been cited by the following publications. This list is generated based on data provided by Crossref.
Wilson, Robin Fretwell
The Cradle of Abuse: Evaluating the Danger Posed by a Sexually Predatory Parent to the Victim's Siblings.
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Wyatt, Timothy R.
Balancing Airport Capacity Requirements with Environmental Concerns: Legal Challenges to Airport Expansion.
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Sanders, Shaakirrah
Deconstructing Juryless Fact-Finding in Civil Cases.
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Blumm, Michael C.
The Public Trust Doctrine and Access to a Navigable Lake from Public Parklands: A Law Professors' Amicus Brief.
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Lasch, Christopher N.
The Battle Over Sanctuary Policiess Illuminates the Clash of Values Underlying Todayys Immigration Policy Debates.
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Weishart, Joshua E.
Long Overdue: An Adequacy Cost Study in West Virginia.
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