Crossref Citations
This article has been cited by the following publications. This list is generated based on data provided by Crossref.
Roehr, Karen
Linguistic and metalinguistic categories in second language learning.
Cognitive Linguistics,
Vol. 19,
Issue. 1,
Brumby, Duncan P.
Hahn, Ulrike
Ignore Similarity If You Can: A Computational Exploration of Exemplar Similarity Effects on Rule Application.
Frontiers in Psychology,
Vol. 8,
Issue. ,
Xu, Shenghang
Ding, Chao
Han, Meng
Huang, Minghao
Song, Chunnan
Chang, Chen
Liu, Shiqiu
Yang, Xin
Tang, Huiping
Additive Manufacturing of Anisotropic TC4 Cubic Hollow‐Strut Lattice Structures with High Specific Yield Strength: Optimization, Properties, and Failure Modes.
Advanced Engineering Materials,
Vol. 26,
Issue. 23,