When this article was originally published in Cambridge Prisms: Coastal Futures, it omitted it omitted to include a few credits in the Author Contribution statement. The correct statement is as follows:
A.We. and S.D.J. created the ideas and outline for the manuscript. All authors reviewed outline and provided feedback on the format and scientific content of the outline. A.Wa., S.J., A.We. and A.J. created the first written draft of the manuscript. A.Wa. and A.We. edited the figures and created the tables. J.L., C.D.K., D.C., C.C., K.F., A.R. and H.S.G. provided critical revision of the scientific content of the manuscript and provided stylistic/grammatical revisions, over multiple drafts. A.Wa. addressed revisions and compiled the final manuscript.
The authors apologise for this error.