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Published online by Cambridge University Press: 09 March 2016
1 A sampling of Lukashuk’s works includes: Lukashuk, I. I., Struktura i forma mezhdunarodnykh dogovorov (Saratov: Izdatel’stvo Saratovskogo Yuridicheskogo Instituía imeni D. Kurskogo, 1960)Google Scholar; Lukashuk, I. I., Storony v mezhdunarodnykh dogovorakh (Moscow: Yuridicheskaya literatura, 1966)Google Scholar; Lukashuk, I. I., Otnosheniya mirnogo sosushchestvovaniya i mezhdunarodnogo prava: problemy mezhdunarodno-pravovogoregulirovaniya (Kiev: Vishch shkola, Izdatel’stvo pri Kievskom universitete, 1974)Google Scholar; Krylov, N. B., Pravotvorcheskaya deyatel’nost’ mezhdunarodnykh organizatsiy, ed. by Lukashuk, I. I. (Moscow: “Nauka,” 1988)Google Scholar; Ledyakh, I. A. and Lukashuk, I. I., Nyurnbergskiy protsess: pravo protiv voyny ifashizma (Moscow: Institut gosudarstva i prava Rossiyskoy Akademii Nauk, 1995)Google Scholar; Alekseeva, L. B., Zhuykov, V. M., and Lukashuk, I. I., Mezhdunarodnye normy 0 pravahh cheloveka ν primenenie sudami Rossiyskoy Federatsii: prakticheskoe posobie (Moscow: Izdatel’stvo “Prava cheloveka,” 1996)Google Scholar; Lukashuk, I. I., Globalizatsiya, gosudarstvo, pravo, XXI vek (Moscow: Spark, 2000)Google Scholar; Lukashuk, I. I., Iskusstoo delovykhperegovorov: uchebnchprakticheskoe posobie (Moscow: BEK, 2002)Google Scholar; Lukashuk, I. I., Pravo mezhdunarodnoy otvetstvennosti (Moscow: Volters Kluwer, 2004). This sampling alone suggests how widely Lukashuk’s international legal interests have ranged.Google Scholar
2 Shinkaretskaya’s publications include: Shinkaretskaya, G. G., Gosudarstva na arkhipelagakh: mezhdunarodno-pravovoy rezhim (Moscow: “Mezhdunarodnye otnosheniya,” 1977)Google Scholar; Menzhinsky, V. I., Vinogradov, S. V., and Shinkaretskaya, G. G. (eds), Sotrudnichestvo gosudarstv ν issledovanii i ispol’zovanii Mirovogo okeana (Moscow: Akademiya nauk SSSR, Institut gosudarstva i prava, 1986)Google Scholar; Shinkaretskaya, G. G., Mezhdunarodnaya sudebnayaprotsedura (Moscow: “Nauka,” 1992)Google Scholar; Caron, D. D. and Shinkaretskaya, G., “Peaceful Settlement of Disputes through the Rule of Law,” in Damrosch, L. F., ed., Beyond Confrontation: International Law for the Post-Cold War Era (Boulder, CO: Westview Press, 1995), 309.Google Scholar
3 For example, Kolosov, Yu. M. and Krivchikova, E. S., Mezhdunarodnoe pravo (Moscow: “Mezhdunarodnye otnosheniya,” 2000).Google Scholar
4 For example, SirJennings, R. and SirWatts, A., eds., Oppenheim’s International Law, 9th edition, 2 volumes (London: Longman Group, 1992)Google Scholar; Rousseau, C., Droit international public, 5 volumes (Paris: Sirey, 1971–83).Google Scholar
5 Tunkin, G. I., Theory of International Law, foreword by Shestakov, L. N., translated, introduced, and edited by Butler, W. E., 2nd edition (London: Wildy, Simmonds and Hill Publishers, 2003)Google Scholar. Tunkin’s work is reviewed by Myles, E. (2003) 41 Can.Yb. Intl. L. 619.Google Scholar
6 The treatment that Lukashuk and Shinkaretskaya accord the sources of international law represents a case in point. Whereas Tunkin saw international legal norms as stemming primarily from treaties (Tunkin, supra note 5 at 147), Lukashuk and Shinkaretskaya recognize treaties and custom alike as sources of international law, inter alia ( Lukashuk, I. I. and Shinkaretskaya, G. G., Meihdunarodnoepravo. Elementarnyy kurs (Moscow: Yurist, 2003) at 22–29 passim).Google Scholar
7 The shift accords with Macdonald’s view that Soviet international legal scholarship has bequeathed few valuable directions to post-Soviet jurists, particularly on “the organizational framework of an evolving international legal community.”
Macdonald, R. St. J., “Rummaging in the Ruins: Soviet International Law and Policy in the Early Years: Is Anything Left?” in Wellens, K., ed., International Law: Theory and Practice. Essays in Honour of Eric Suy (The Hague: Martinus Nijhoff, 1998),61.Google Scholar