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Published online by Cambridge University Press: 06 March 2019
Germany's Federal Constitutional Court held on June 9, 2004, that the weekend and holiday closing requirements of the federal Shop-Closing Act (Ladenschlussgesetz) are compatible with the Basic Law. At the same time, however, the Court's decision in this Weekend Shop-Closing Case situated the Act's Saturday closing requirement – and by implication its weekday closing requirements too – perilously close to the brink of unconstitutionality.
1 BVerfG, 1 BvR 636/02, 9 June 2004. The Act's formal name, Gesetz über den Ladenschluss, is typically shortened to Ladenschlussgesetz.Google Scholar
2 Wirtschaft, Recht, & Steuer, , Neuregelung des Ladenschlusses ist Ländersache, Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung, 16 June 2004, at 25 [hereinafter “FAZ“].Google Scholar
3 Shop-Closing II, 1 BvR 760/57, 29 November 1961, BVerfGE 13, 237 (240) (citing the Act to Amend the Commercial Order (Gesetz betreffend Abänderung der Gewerbeordnung), 1 June 1891, RGBl. At 261).Google Scholar
4 Id. at 321.Google Scholar
5 Id.Google Scholar
6 Shop-Closing I, 1 BvL 3/51 & 4/51, 20 May 1952, BVerfGE 1, 283.Google Scholar
7 Id. at 293-99.Google Scholar
8 Shop-Closing Act (Gesetz über den Ladenschluss), 28 November 1956, BGBl. I at 875.Google Scholar
9 BVerfG, 1 BvR 636/02, 9 June 2004, § A.I.Google Scholar
10 BVerfG, 1 BvR 1236/99, 16 January 2002, 12, available at (last visited on 27 July 2004) (citing Hufen, NJW 1986, p. 1291 at 1298). The quoted phrase is in German “eine arbeitnehmerfreundliche Verteilung der Arbeitszeit“).Google Scholar
11 Id.Google Scholar
12 BVerfG, 1 BvR 698, 771-79, 9 February 1982, BVerfGE 59, 336 (354).Google Scholar
13 Shop-Closing II, 1 BvR 760/57, 29 November 1961, BVerfGE 13, 237 at 238. See also Markus Dirk Dubber, “Michael Stolleis, The Law under the Swastika: Studies on Legal History in Nazi Germany,” 18 Law & Hist. Rev. 226, 227 (2000) (book review) (noting that Professor Maunz wrote “both the definitive commentary and textbook on the Basic Law” but also remained “a diehard Nazi”).Google Scholar
14 Shop-Closing II, 1 BvR 760/57, 29 November 1961, BVerfGE 13, 237 at 239.Google Scholar
15 Id. at 240-41.Google Scholar
16 Id. at 242-43.Google Scholar
17 See generally, Der Streit um den Ladenschluss, at (last visited 27 July 2004) (information compiled by Prof. Dr. Jochen Rozek, Technische Universität Dresden).Google Scholar
18 E.g., BVerwGE 65, 167, No. 1 C 157/79, 23 March 1982 (citing BVerwG 1 C 43.775, 5 February 1980).Google Scholar
19 Politik, Tankstellen dürfen nach Ladenschluss Reisebedarf verkaufen, FAZ, 27 October 1993 at 1; Wirtschaft, Mineralölwirtschaft erfreut über Urteil zum Tankstellenverkauf, FAZ, 3 November 1993 at 24.Google Scholar
20 BVerfG 1 BvR 698, 771-79, 9 February 1982, BVerfGE 59, 336.Google Scholar
21 BVerfG, 1 BvR 1236/99, 16 January 2002, available at (last visited on 27 July 2004). See also Constitutional Standards, Working Time and Pharmacy Opening Hours: The FCC's Message to Managers and Law Makers, 3 German L.J. No. 3 (1 March 2002), at Scholar
22 BVerfG, 1 BvR 1236/99, 16 January 2002, available at (last visited on 27 July 2004).Google Scholar
23 Hipp, Dietmar, et al., Kampf um den Sonntag, Der Spiegel, No. 32, 9 August 1999 at 22.; Joachim Hirzel, et al., Ladenschluss: Das letzte Tabu, Focus, No. 32, 9 August 1999 at 16.Google Scholar
24 Wirtschaft, , Niedersachsen erlaubt längere Ladenöffnung, FAZ, Oct. 22, 1999, at 22. See generally, Der Streit um den Ladenschluss, at (last visited 27 July 2004) (information compiled by Prof. Dr. Jochen Rozek, Technische Universität Dresden).Google Scholar
25 BVerfG, 1 BvR 636/02, 9 June 2004, § A.I (citing BGBl I p. 875 and the Shop-Closing Act § 3(1)).Google Scholar
26 Shop-Closing Act §§ 4-10.Google Scholar
27 Pfundt, Kai, Ladenschluss: Wie Lange Noch?, General-Anzeiger (Bonn), Politik, 17 January 2002 at 1.Google Scholar
28 Weichmann, Diethard, Pyrrhussieg für Ladenschluss, Lebensmittel Zeitung, 11 June 2004 at 2.Google Scholar
29 BVerfG, 1 BvR 636/02, 9 June 2004, § B.I.a)(bb)(3); Hans D. Jarass & Bodo Pieroth, Grundgesetz Kommentar, Art. 72, Note 1 (4th ed. 1997), (citing BT-Drucksache 12/6000 at 32).Google Scholar
30 Hans D. Jarass & Bodo Pieroth, Grundgesetz Kommentar, Art. 72, Note 7 (4th ed. 1997).Google Scholar
31 Bundestag, Formation Decrees, Joint Bundestag-Bundesrat Commission on Modernizing the Federal Order, 16 October 2003, BT-Drucksache 15/1685, at (last visited 27 July 2004).Google Scholar
32 Id. at § 2.Google Scholar
33 Wirtschaft Clement: Der Ladenschluß wird künftig Sache der Länder sein, FAZ, 11 June 2004, at 13.; Wirtschaft, Länder ohne gemeinsame Linie für neuen Ladenschluss, Deutsche Presse-Agentur –Europadienst, 11 June 2004, available at (visited 2 August 2004).Google Scholar
34 BVerfG, 1 BvR 1778/01, 16 March 2004.Google Scholar
35 BVerfG, 2 BvF 2/02, 27 July 2004 (voiding the Fünfte Gesetz zur Änderung des Hochschulrahmengesetzes und anderer Vorschriften (5. HRGÄndG) of 16 February 2002, BGBl I at 693). See also Frieder Dünkel & Dirk van Zyl Smit, Preventive Detention of Dangerous Offenders Re-examined: A Comment on Two Decisions of the German Federal Constitutional Court, 5 German L.J. No. 6 (1 June 2004), available at (analyzing another recent federalism ruling by the Court).Google Scholar
36 Id.Google Scholar
37 Hirzel, , supra note 23; Kurzporträt Kaufhhof Warenhaus AG, at (last visited July 28, 2004).Google Scholar
38 Hirzel, , supra note 23; Christoph Seils, Porträt: Umtriebig, Frankfurter Rundschau, Thema des Tages, June 2004 at 29.Google Scholar
39 Hirzel, , supra note 23.Google Scholar
40 Hipp, , supra note 23.Google Scholar
41 Id.Google Scholar
42 BVerfG, 1 BvR 636/02, 9 June 2004, § A.II.Google Scholar
43 Id.Google Scholar
44 Id. at §§ B.I.1.a).aa) & B.I.1.b).dd).(2)(a)(ee).Google Scholar
45 Id. § B.I.1.b).dd)(2)(a)(ee).Google Scholar
46 Art. 140 GG. The incorporated provision states: “Sunday and the public holidays recognized by the state remain legally protected as days of rest from work and of spiritual edification.” Art. 139 WRV, translated in Axel Tschentscher, The Basic Law (Grundgesetz): The Constitution of the Federal Republic of Germany 106 (Jurisprudentia, 2002-2003), available at (last visited July 9, 2004).Google Scholar
47 BVerfG, 1 BvR 636/02, 9 June 2004, § B.II.1.a).Google Scholar
48 Id. at § B.II.1.Google Scholar
49 Art. 140 GG. The incorporated provision states: “Sunday and the public holidays recognized by the state remain legally protected as days of rest from work and of spiritual edification.” Art. 139 WRV, translated in Tschentscher, (note 45).Google Scholar
50 Hirzel, , supra note 23.Google Scholar
51 BVerfG, 1 BvR 636/02, 9 June 2004, § B.I.a).(bb)(3) (citing BVerfGE 106, 62 (136)).Google Scholar
52 Art. 125a(2)92d sentence) GG.Google Scholar
53 Id. at § B.I.a)(bb).Google Scholar
54 Id. at § B.I.a)(bb)(3).Google Scholar
55 Id.Google Scholar
56 Id. at § B.I.a)(cc).Google Scholar
57 Id. at § B.I.1.b)aa)-cc).Google Scholar
58 Id. at § B.I.1.b)dd)(2)(a).Google Scholar
59 Id.Google Scholar
60 Id. at § B.I.1.b)dd)(2)(b).Google Scholar
61 Id.Google Scholar
62 Tennessee v. Lane, 124 U.S. 1978, 2000-03 (2004).Google Scholar
63 BVerfG, 2 BvF 2/02, 27 July 2004 (Osterloh, Lübbe-Wolff, and Gerhardt, dissenting).Google Scholar
64 Suemmerer, Thomas, Abschied von einem Ladenhüter, Textilwirtschaft, News Kommentar, 17 June 2004, at 16.Google Scholar