Crossref Citations
This article has been cited by the following publications. This list is generated based on data provided by Crossref.
Murphy, Laura W.
Preventing Surgical Site Infections.
AORN Journal,
Vol. 117,
Issue. 2,
Giroti, Alessandra Lyrio Barbosa
Menis Ferreira, Adriano
Carneiro, Liliane Moretti
Cury, Elenir Rose Jardim
Alvim, André Luiz Silva
Santos Junior, Aires Garcia dos
de Oliveira, Layze Braz
Sena, Inara Viviane de Oliveira
de Andrade, Denise
Batista, Odinea Maria Amorim
Lopes de Sousa, Alvaro Francisco
Improving Best Practices in Assessing the Usage Conditions of Hospital and Long-Term Care Mattresses.
Health Scope,
Vol. 13,
Issue. 1,