Published online by Cambridge University Press: 17 January 2008
1 This is not intended as a comprehensive account of all legal aspects of the situation many of which have important collective dimensions to them. Rather, it is to set out the approach of the British government to the major incidents of the dispute up to 15 January 1991. For an account which considers in more detail some of the other issues, see McCoubery, “Rules of Engagement” (1990) New Law Journal 1527. There is a comprehensive chronology of events to 17 October 1990 in The Gulf Crisis. Foreign Affairs Committee. 24 October 1990, HC 655-ii (hereafter “FAC Chronology”). For further details to 15 January 1991. sec The Times, 16 Jan. 1991. pp.7–8 (hereafter. “Times Chronology”).