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Published online by Cambridge University Press: 22 May 2009
Administrative and Budgetary Matters: On April 10, 1947, the Advisory Committee on Administrative and Budgetary Questions met, in its advisory capacity, to deliberate on the form of the 1948 budget and various matters of a financial or administrative nature falling within its competence. Based mainly on reports from the Secretary-General (Trygve Lie), the committee review covered such subjects as 1) auditing procedure, 2) investments of United Nations funds, 3) commitments against the Working Capital Fund, 4) control of expenditures resulting from Council resolutions, 5) loans to specialized agencies, 6) the fund for self-liquidating purchases and activities, 7) procedure for the final valuation of League of Nations assets, 8) form of the 1948 budget, 9) desirability of strengthening the role of the Bureau of the Comptroller by allowing the Comptroller more specific authority, 10) administrative and budgetary relations with the specialized agencies, 11) the need for greater study of United Nations basic salary scales to determine any necessary adjustments, 12) arrangements to conduct surveys concerning Secretariat efficiency and results of work so far accomplished, and 13) preliminary information on workload in departments, United Nations Appeals Board, staff retirement plans, development of Branch Offices and limitation of staff recruitment.
1 Document A/CN.1/1, May 7, 1947.
2 Document A/64/Add.l, January 31, 1947.
3 Economic Commission for Europe, Commission for Asia and the Far East, Economic and Employment Commission, Statistical, Social and Population Commissions, Narcotics Control, Population projects, etc.
4 Document A/CN.1/1, May 7, 1947.
5 Ibid.
6 Department of State, Bulletin, XVII, p. 27.