Published online by Cambridge University Press: 05 February 2009
A reviewer confronted with fourteen new books on the Latin-American economy inevitably seeks a common theme on which to hang his remarks, in the hope that this will make sense of his labours. Let it be confessed immediately that diligent search has failed to reveal any such unity in these volumes. Indeed, on the safe assumption that they represent a random selection from the rapidly growing literature on the subject, they might almost be taken as evidence of a diversity of approach. An alternative strategy, therefore, is to argue the existence of central doctrines in the literature on Latin- American development in the last twenty-five years, and to relate to them the literature under review.
1 Hirschman, Albert O., A Bias for Hope: Essays on Development and Latin America (New Haven and London, Yale University Press, 1971). Pp. ix+374. $12.50, paper $3.45.Google Scholar
2 Ibid., p. I.
3 Ibid., p. 12.
4 Ibid., p. 18.
5 Ibid., pp. 16–17.
6 Fernando, Henrique Cardoso e Enzo Faletto, Dependência e Desenvolvimento Na América Latina (Rio de Janeiro, Zahar Editores, 1970). Pp. 143, n.p.s.Google Scholar
7 Eulália, Maria Lahmeyer Lobo, América Latina Contemporânea: Modernização—Desenvoluimento—Dependência (Rio de Janeiro, Zahar Editores, 1970). Pp. 205, n.p.s.Google Scholar
8 Hensman, C. R., Rich Against Poor: The Reality of Aid (London, Allen Lane, The Penguin Press, 1971). Pp. 293. £2.95.Google Scholar
9 Frank, Andre Gunder, Cockroft, James D., Johnson, Dale L., Economía Política del Subdesarrollo en América Latina (Buenos Aires, Ediciones Signos, 1970). Pp. 456, n.p.s.Google Scholar
10 Weffort, Francisco C., ‘Notas Sôbre a “Teoria da Dependência”: Teoria de Classe Ou Ideologia Nacional?, in Fernando, Henrique Cardoso, Francisco, Correa Weffort, et al., Sôbre Teorie e Método em Sociologia (Sāo Paulo, Ediçöes Cebrap, 1971), pp. 23–4.Google Scholar
11 Fernando Henrique Cardoso, ‘ “ Teoria da Depêndncia” Ou Análises Concretas de Situaçōes de Depêndncia? ’, in Cardoso, , Weffort, , et al., op. cit., p. 33.Google Scholar
12 A similar point in relation to pre-revolurionary Cuba is argued by Edward, Boorstein, The Economic Transformation of Cuba (New York and London, Modern Reader Paperbacks, 1969), pp. 12–13.Google Scholar
13 Michael, Roemer, Fishing for Growth: Export-Led Development in Peru, 1950–1967 (Cambridge, Mass., Harvard University Press, 1970). Pp. xiv+ 208. £3·75.Google Scholar
14 Watkins, Melville H., ‘A Staple Theory of Economic Growth’, Canadian Journal of Economics and Political Science, 29, no. 2 (05 1963).CrossRefGoogle Scholar
15 Nino, Maritano, A Latin American Economic Community: History, Policies, and Problems (Notre Dame, University of Notre Dame Press, 1970). Pp. xvi+265. $9·95.Google Scholar
16 Ibid., p.25.
17 Ibid., p. x.
18 Ibid., pp. xi–xii.
19 Bell, Harry H., Tariff Profiles in Latin America: Implications for Pricing Structures and Economic Integration (New York, Washington and London, Praeger Publishers, 1971). Pp. xvii+i68. $13·50.Google Scholar
20 Fuat, Andic, Suphan, Andic and Douglas, Dosser, A Theory of Economic Integration for Developing Countries (London, George Allen and Unwin Ltd., 1971). Pp. 176. £2·50.Google Scholar
21 Ibid., p. 24.
22 UN, , CEPAL, , Notas Sobre la Economia y el Destarrollo de América Latina, 88 (16 11 1971).Google Scholar
23 External Financing for Latin American Development. Published for the General Secretariat of the Organization of American States (Baltimore and London, The Johns Hopkins Press, 1971). Pp. XV+ 248. $10·00.Google Scholar
24 Ibid., p. 46.
25 The Role of Popular Participation in Development. Report of a Conference on the Implementation of Title IX of the Foreign Assistance Act, June 24 to August 2, 1968 (Cambridge, Mass., and London, The M.I.T. Press, 1969). Pp. xiii+ 222, n.p.s.Google Scholar
26 Ibid., p. 60.