Published online by Cambridge University Press: 20 March 2012
[Meza et al. J. Mater. Res.23(3), 725 (2008)] recently claimed that the correction factor beta for the Sneddon equation, used for the evaluation of nanoindentation load-displacement data, is strongly depth- and tip-shape-dependent. Meza et al. used finite element (FE) analysis to simulate the contact between conical or spheroconical indenters, and an elastic material. They calculated the beta factor by comparing the simulated contact stiffness with Sneddon’s prediction for conical indenters. Their analysis is misleading, and it is shown here that by applying the general Sneddon equation, taking into account the true contact area, an almost constant and depth-independent beta factor is obtained for conical, spherical and spheroconical indenter geometries.