Crossref Citations
This article has been cited by the following publications. This list is generated based on data provided by Crossref.
Cortés‐Copete, Juan Manuel
Antoniadis, Theodore
Devillers, Olivier
Barney, Neil
Knight, Jayne
Becker, Trudy Harrington
ten Berge, Bram L. H.
Poulsen, Aske Damtoft
Gregoratti, Leonardo
Sailor, Dylan
Campbell, Robert
Gregoratti, Leonardo
Bocchine, Kristin
Pittà, Antonino
Olmo‐López, Rubén
de, Universidad
Master, Jonathan
Baroud, George
Dee, Nicholas
Dee, Nicholas
Devillers, Olivier
Larsen, Mik
Patterson, Lee E.
The Tacitus Encyclopedia.