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Published online by Cambridge University Press: 21 July 2009
The astonishing sequence of events during the past twelve months which have completely turned Eastern Europe upside down and mark the beginning of a new era of which nobody yet knows the outlines, has turned out to be of crucial importance for the future of the European Communities as well. One of the international fora where this is obvious, is the Conference on Security and Cooperation in Europe. With Soviet President Gorbachov calling for a follow-up Conference this November, American President Bush willing to give Western Europe -read the E.C.- primary responsibility for the economic resurrection and political integration within the West of Eastern Europe; West German Chancellor Kohl totally preoccupied by German unification, British Prime Minister, Thatcher, and French President, Mitterand, unable to give Western Europe the lead, necessary and desired, the European Communites have a unique political opportunity to take some decisive steps towards the proclaimed ultimate goal of a European Union by further tightening the Communities and enforcing their autonomous role, inter alia within the CSCE. At the same time, those steps not only seem legally desirable, but e.g. with respect to that same CSCE, perhaps also necessary for purposes of international law!
1. Cf. Preamble and Ait 1 Single European Act.
2. Cf. e.g. Blech, K., Die KSZE als Schritt im Entspannungsprozess: Bemerkungen zu Allgemeinen Aspekten der Konferenz, 30 Europa Archiv 681–692 (1975)Google Scholar; Chemenko, K., The Conference in Helsinki and International Security, 11 International Affairs 3–14 (1975)Google Scholar, citing Brezhnev; Lapenna, I., Legal Nature of the CSCE Final Act and Human Rights under International and Soviet Law. 18 Jahrbuch fur Ostrecht 9–19 (1977)Google Scholar; Meier, C., Die Auswirkungen der Konferenz von Helsinki im GesDie, 1981 Die Internationale Politik 92–93 (mentioning the GDR as the only state preferring to look upon the Final Act as if it were a treaty).Google ScholarCf. van der Meulen, J.W., De Europese Veiligheidsconferentie: bevestiging of doorbreking van de status quo?, 29 Internationale Spectator 549 (1975).Google Scholar
3. Cf. the Statute of the International Court of Justice, Art. 38, Paras, c, a and b respectively.
4. Cf. e.g. Shaw, M.N., International Law 544 (1986); The ICJ in The Nicaragua Case, 14 ICJ Reports 99–102,106, 108, 133 (1986).Google Scholar
5. See for an extensive analysis Patzina, R., Zur Bedeutung von Gewaltverbot undSelbsbestimmungsrecht in den Ostverträgen und in der Schlussakte der KSZE, 29 Österreichische Zeitschrift filr öffentliches Recht und Völkerrecht 1–2 (1978).Google Scholar
6. In Principle I, 4th sentence. Cf. Buchan, A., The European Implications of Super-Power Detente, 14 Österreichische Zeitschrift für Aussenpolitik 323–329 (1979).Google Scholar
7. Cf. Fawcett, J.E.S., The Helsinki Act and International Law, 1977 Revue Beige de Droit International 5–9.Google Scholar
8. See Art. 2(2) UN Charter and Res. 2625, Principle X.
9. Cf. Akkerman, R.J., De Slotakte van Helsinki: Recht, Moraal of Machtspolitiek?. Internationale Spectator, Jan. 1978, at 29–35Google Scholar; Bindschedler, R., Die Konferenz von Belgrad - Episode oder Wendepunkl?,6 Europäische Rundschau 15–24 (1978)Google Scholar; van der Meulen, J.W., De Conferenlie van Belgrade 32 Internationale Spectator 467–468 (1978).Google Scholar
10. See R.J. Akkerman, supra note 9, at 30; Delbrück, J., Die Konferenz für Sicherheit und Zusammenarbeit in Europa - Von Deklamationen über Deklaralionen zu einer neuen Sicherheitsordnung in Europa?,57 Die Friedenswarte 51 (1974)Google Scholar; See I.Lapenna, supra note 2, at 11–12; Doernberg, S., Gipfeltreffen für den Frieden, 25 Deutsche Aussenpolitik 10–11 (1980).Google Scholar
11. Cf. Smouts, M.C., Problèmes Instilutionnels: les Suites Institutionnelles de la Conference sur la Sécurité el la Coopération en Europe, 27 Chronique de Politique Étrangère 736 (1974).Google Scholar
12. Cf. R. Bindschedler, supra note 9, at 19.
13. Id. at 18; Bimbaum, K.E., Alignments in Europe: the CSCE experience,37 The World Today 222 (1981).Google Scholar
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15. See Dominick, M.F., La Conférence sur la Sécurité et la Coopération en Europe: Un Cadre pour la Solution du Conflit Est-Ouest?, 19 Rev. du Marché Common 551 (1983).Google Scholar
16. Cf. A. Buchan, supra note 6, at 327, quoting Brezhnev in 1972.
17. Cf. in respect of customary law, The ICJ in the North Sea Continental Shelf Cases, 4 ICJ Reports (1974).
18. Analogous to or in accordance e.g. with Artt. 113, 116 and 238 EEC Treaty; Art. 9 Single European Act.
19. Cf. Art. 3(2) Single European Act.
20. Art. 30(3.b) Single European Act.
21. See, e.g., D. Allen, et al., European Political Cooperation, Butterworths European Studies (1982).
22. Art. 30(10.b & d), Single European Act.
23. Cf., e.g., Buijink, C., et al., EPS en NAVO: polilieke tegenwerking?, 32 Internationale Spectator 505,507 (1978)Google Scholar; Lord, Carrington, European Political Cooperation: America Should Welcome it, 1982 International Affairs 3.Google Scholar
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26. Cf., e.g., R. Bindschelder, supra note 9, at 348, with a 1970-point of view that the ultimate goal of the EC was too far away to have legal relevance in this respect at the time.
27. Dehaime, J., Le Projet Français de Conférence de Désarmement en Europe et la Reunion de Madrid,36 Defense Nalionale 103 (1980).Google Scholar
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