Crossref Citations
This article has been cited by the following publications. This list is generated based on data provided by Crossref.
Frabboni, S.
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Balboni, R.
Trotta, R.
Polimeni, A.
Capizzi, M.
Martelli, F.
Rubini, S.
Guzzinati, G.
Glas, F.
Convergent beam electron-diffraction investigation of lattice mismatch and static disorder in GaAs/GaAs1−xNx intercalated GaAs/GaAs1−xNx:H heterostructures.
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Potapov, Pavel
Materials characterisation by angle-resolved scanning transmission electron microscopy.
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Beyer, Andreas
Gies, Sebastian
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Correlation of the nanostructure with optoelectronic properties during rapid thermal annealing of Ga(NAsP) quantum wells grown on Si(001) substrates.
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