List your meeting here:
Following is a list of microscopy related meetings and courses. The editors would greatly appreciate input to this list via the electronic submission form under “events/other microscopy events” at the MSA webpage: We will gladly add hypertext links to the notice on the web and insert a listing of the meeting in the next issue. Please furnish the following information (any additional information provided will be edited as required and printed on a space available basis):
• Meeting/Course name
• Meeting/Course dates
• Meeting/Course topic or short description
• Sponsoring society/organization/university
• Contact person
• Telephone number
• Fax number
• E-mail address
• URL for website
General Links
Arizona State Winter School on High Resolution Electron
European Molecular Biology Organization Course & Workshops
Gordon Research Conferences
Keystone Symposia
Lehigh Microscopy School Courses
Marine Biological Laboratory (MBL), Woods Hole, MA, USA
Royal Microscopical Society Annual Courses
Meetings 2012
1st International Conference on Drug Therapy in TB Infection
January 6–7, 2012
Barcelo Carlton Hotel, Edinburgh, United Kingdom
Sponsor: Africa Health Research Organization
High-Throughput Structural Biology with Structural Biology of Cellular Processes: From Atoms to Cells
January 22–27, 2012
Keystone Resort, CO
Sponsor: Keystone Symposia and Bayer USA Foundation
Phone: +1 800-253-0685
APMC 10: 10th Asia-Pacific Microscopy Conference, ACMM 22: Australian Conference on Microscopy and Microanalysis, ICONN 2012: International Conference on Nanoscience and Nanotechnology
56th Biophysical Society Annual Meeting
TMS 2012
Pittcon 2012
March 11–16, 2012
Orlando, FA
Sponsor: Pittsburgh Conference on Analytical Chemistry and Applied Spectroscopy
22nd Annual Meeting of the German Society for Virology
March 14–17, 2012
Essen, Germany
Contact: Jana Radoi, Carl-Pulfrich-Straße 1, 07745 Jena (Germany)
Phone: +49 (0) 3641 311 63 46
Practicalities of Cellular Analysis using Flow Cytometry, Light and Electron Microscopy
March 21, 2012
Centre for Life, Newcastle upon Tyne, UK
Sponsor: Newcastle University
Histochemistry 2012
March 21–23, 2012
MBL, Woods Hole, MA
Topics: Immunohistochemistry-Bridging the Gap Between Light and EM, sessions on Correlative Microscopy, Switchable Q Dots, Calibrated Imaging and Validated Analysis, JHC Lecture-Richard Hynes, Chroma Lecture-Bernd Fritzsch, and Tech Reviews
Sponsor: The Histochemical Society
Contact: Meg McGough
Phone: 206-832-9853
Fax: 425-483-1058
11th ASM Conference on Candida and Candidasis
March 29–April 2, 2012
San Francisco, CA
Sponsor: American Society for Microbiology (ASM)
Contact: ASM Conferences, 1752 N Street, NW, Washington, DC 20036-2940
Phone: 202-942 9261
Focus on Microscopy 2012
April 1–4, 2012
Suntec Singapore International Convention & Exhibition Centre, Singapore
2012 MRS Spring Meeting
April 9–13, 2012
Moscone West & San Francisco Marriot, San Francisco, CA
Sponsor: Materials Research Society
Phone: 724-779-3003
Analytica 2012: 23rd International Trade Fair for Laboratory Technology, Analysis and Biotechnology
IEEE International Symposium on Biomedical Imaging (ISBI)
11th ASM Conference on Prokaryotic Cell Biology and Development
May 6–10, 2012
Montreal, Canada
Sponsor: American Society for Microbiology (ASM)
Contact: ASM Conferences, 1752 N Street, NW, Washington, DC 20036-2940
Phone: 202-942 9261
AMTC3: 3rd International Symposium on Advanced Microscopy and Theoretical Calculations
May 9–11, 2012
Nagaragawa Convention Center, Japan
Sponsor: Nanostructures Research Laboratory, Japan Fine Ceramics Center (JFCC)
IFES2021: 53rd International Field Emission Symposium
SCUR 2012: 39th Annual Meeting of Society for Cutaneous Ultrastructure Research
May 24–25, 2012
Lyon, France
Three Dimensional Electron Microscopy: From Molecules to Systems—Visualizing Biological Complexity
May 27–June 1, 2012
Les Diablerets Conference Center, Switzerland
Sponsor: Gordon Research Conference
12th European Light Microscopy Initiative (ELMI) Meeting
Abercrombie Cell Biology Symposium
June 25–27, 2012
Oxford, UK
Sponsor: Royal Microscopy Society, British Society for Cell Biology
1st International Conference on 3D Materials Science
Inter/Micro: 63rd Annual Applied Microscopy Conference
July 9–13, 2012
McCrone Research Institute, Chicago, IL
Topic: Applied Microscopy
Sponsor: McCrone Research Institute
Contact: Therese Newman
Phone: 312-842-7100
Fax: 312-842-1078
Microscopy & Microanalysis 2012
July 29–August 2, 2012
Phoenix, AZ
Sponsor: MSA, MAS, IMS
Contact: Nichole Guy, Hachero Hill, Inc., 11260 Roger Bacon Drive, Suite 402, Reston, VA 20190
Phone: 703-964-1240, ext. 14
ULTRAPATH XVI: Conference on Diagnostic Electron Microscopy, Basic Research and Oncology
August 6–10, 2012
University Medical Center, Regensberg, Germany
Sponsor: Society for Ultrastructural Pathology
Denver X-Ray Conference
August 6–10, 2012
Denver Yech Center Hotel, Denver, CO
Topic: Annual Conference of Applications of X-ray Analysis
Sponsor: ICDD
Contact: Denise Flaherty
14th International Congress of Histochemistry ad Cytochemistry
15th European Microscopy Congress
38th Annual Symposium, National Society for Histotechnology
September 28–October 23, 2012
Vancouver, BC, Canada
Sponsor: National Society for Histotechnology
Phone: 443-535-4060
Fax: 443-535-4055
Materials Science & Technology
Neuroscience 2012
2012 MRS Fall Meeting
November 26–30, 2012
Boston, MA
Sponsor: Materials Research Society
Phone: 724-779-3003
ASCB Annual Meeting
Courses 2012
Winter School on High Resolution Electron Microscopy
January 4–7, 2012
Arizona State University, Tempe, AZ
Topic: Theory and practice of high-resolution electron microscopy for materials science studies
INS-500 Modern Polarized Light Microscopy
January 9–13, 2012
Hooke College of Applied Sciences, Westmont, IL
Topic: Theory and principles of polarized-light microscopy
Contact: Charles Zona
Phone: 630-887-7100
INS-510 Scanning Electron Microscopy
January 9–13, 2012
Hooke College of Applied Sciences, Westmont, IL
Topic: Hands-on learning using five SEM and EMA instruments using either student-provided, or staff-provided test samples, under the direction of McCrone scientists with over 40 years of combined SEM/EDS/WDS experience
Contact: Charles Zona
Phone: 630-887-7100
MEI-645 White-Powder Unknowns Part 1
February 13–17, 2012
Hooke College of Applied Sciences, Westmont, IL
Topic: This course teaches students how to identify white powders using several microscopical identification techniques.
Contact: Charles Zona
Phone: 630-887-7100
Immunohistochemistry and Microscopy Short Course
March 18–20, 2012
MBL, Woods Hole, MA
Topic: Immunohistochemistry & Microscopy Hands-On Course at MBL, 3/18-20/2012. Preparing cells/tissue for IHC, assay design and set up, assay performance, antigen retrieval, chromogen/fluorescence detection, visualization, image capture, and troubleshooting.
Sponsor: The Histochemical Society
Contact: Meg McGough
Phone: 206-832-9853
Fax: 425-483-1058
Course on Cryotechniques for Electron Microscopy
March 18–23, 2012
Rothamstead Research, Harpenden, UK
Sponsor: Royal Microscopy Society
Quantifying Immunogold Label on EM Thin Sections
April 5–7, 2012
House Research Institute, Los Angeles, CA
Topic: A practical course to teach quantitative methods for estimating immunogold signal on thin sections of biological material
Contact: Paul Webster
Microscopy School
June 3–15, 2012
Lehigh University, Bethlehem, PA
Scope: SEM and X-ray Microanalysis , New Operator Introduction, Quantitative X-ray Microanalysis, Scanning Transmission EM, Focused Ion Beam Applications
Contact: Sharon Coe
Phone: 610-758-5133
EMBO Electron Microscopy and Stereology in Cell Biology
June 12–22, 2012
České Budějovice, Czech Republic
Topic: The aim of this course is to teach cutting-edge EM techniques for Cell Biologists on a high theoretical and practical level.
Sponsor: European Molecular Biology Organization (EMBO)
Contact: Jana Nebesarova
Phone: +420387775402
Optics Within Life Sciences
Light Microscopy Summer School
July 9–11, 2012
University of York, UK
Sponsor: Royal Microscopy Society
CryoElectron Microscopy Short Course
July 11–13, 2012
University of Minnesota, MN
Topic: Course to enable scientists and engineers, with no prior knowledge of electron microscopy, to gain insight into cryo-techniques to image nanostructures in liquids, soft materials, and biological systems
Cell Imaging Techniques Course
July 23–27, 2012
Oxford Brooks University, UK
Sponsor: Royal Microscopy Society
Meetings 2013
Pittcon 2013
March 17–21, 2013
Philadelphia, PA
Sponsor: Pittsburgh Conference on Analytical Chemistry and Applied Spectroscopy
2013 MRS Spring Meeting & Exhibition
April 1–5, 2013
Moscone West, San Francisco, CA
Sponsor: Materials Research Society
Phone: 724-779-3003
Microscopy & Microanalysis 2013
August 4–8, 2013
Indianapolis, IN
Sponsor: MSA, MAS, IMS
Contact: Nichole Guy, Hachero Hill, Inc. 11260 Roger Bacon Drive, Suite 402, Reston, VA 20190
Phone: 703-964-1240, ext. 14
Denver X-Ray Conference
August 5–9, 2013
The Westin, Westminster, CO
Topic: Annual Conference of Applications of X-ray Analysis
Sponsor: ICDD
Contact: Denise Flaherty
39th Annual Symposium, National Society for Histotechnology
September 20–26, 2013
Providence, RI
Sponsor: National Society for Histotechnology
Phone: 443-535-4060
Fax: 443-535-4055
Materials Science & Technology
ASCB Annual Meeting
December 14–18, 2013
New Orleans, LA
Sponsor: American Society for Cell Biology
Meetings 2014
Microscopy & Microanalysis 2014
August 3–7, 2014
Hartford, CT
Sponsor: MSA, MAS, IMS
Contact: Nichole Guy, Hachero Hill, Inc. 11260 Roger Bacon Drive, Suite 402, Reston, VA 20190
Phone: 703-964-1240, ext. 14
National Society for Histotechnology; 40th Annual Symposium/Convention
August 21–27, 2014
Austin, TX
Sponsor: National Society for Histotechnology
Phone: 443-535-4060
18th International Microscopy Congress
September 7–12, 2014
Prague, Czech Republic
Sponsor: The Czechoslovak Microscopy Society