Published online by Cambridge University Press: 14 March 2018
Wollastonite at Scawt Hill, Co. Antrim, ocours as a constituent of both the exogeneous and endogeneous contactzones of the dolerite. In the former it is associated only with flint nodules in the metamorphosed chalk, in the latter, however, commonly as a minor constituent of certain of the hybrid types.
In my original account a wollastonite-bearing augite-dolerite from this latter zone was figured without further description in the text (plate xvII, fig. 3). In examining the optical characters of wollastonites associated with hedenbergite, I had occasion to turn again to the wollastonites of this particular rock type.
As indicated in the explanation of the figured section (loc. cir., p. 467), the dolerite is built essentially of sharply zoned brown titanaugite, labradorite, wollastonite, iron-ores, interstitial thomsonite, analcime, and accessory sphene. In this aggregate wollastonite forms subidiomorphic crystals averaging 1 ram. in size, and from a series of sections its predominant forms can be readily made out.
Page 569 note 1 Tilley, C. E., Min. Mag., 1931, vol. 22, p. 439.CrossRefGoogle Scholar
Page 570 note 1 Bowen, N. L., Schairer, J. F., and Posnjak, E., Amer. Journ. Sci., 1933, ser. 5, vol. 26, p. 193.CrossRefGoogle Scholar [M.A. 5-454.]
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Page 571 note 2 Schairer, J. F. and Bowen, N. L.. Amer. Min., 1936, vol. 21, p. 193.Google Scholar (abstractonly).