Published online by Cambridge University Press: 14 March 2018
The ionic radius of zinc (0·83 Å.) is identical with that of divalent iron (0·83 Å.) and nearly the same as that of magnesium (0·78 Å.). One would therefore expect zinc to be mineralogically closely related to iron and magnesium. It is, however, well known that this is not the case. An examination of a list of the zinc minerals which have so far been described shows that only in a few cases are the corresponding isomorphous ferromagnesian species known. As a rule zinc minerals and iron-magnesium minerals with corresponding chemical formulae are entirely different in their crystal-structure.
page 575 note 1 Goldschmidt, V. M. and Peters, C., Nachr. Gesell. Wiss. Göttingen, Math. phys. Kl., 1931, p. 165.Google Scholar
page 575 note 1 Knorring, O., Compt. Rend. Soc. Géol. Finlande, 1946, vol. 19, p. 77. [M.A. l0-420.]Google Scholar
page 576 note 1 According to Goldschmidt, V. M. (Vid.-Akad. Skr. Oslo, I. Kl., 1938 for 1937, p. 81) the average content of zinc in the earth's crust is 40 g./ton, mainly bound in ferromagnesian minerals in igneous rocks, augitcs, amphiboles, and especially biotite. The vast bulk of igneous ferromagnesian minerals should make their content of zinc the one important factor for the calculation of the above figure. It is quite possible, however, that zinc, contrary to Goldschmidt's view, is present in igneous rocks as submicroscopic crystals of blonde deposited on the surface of the rock-forming minerals (H. Neumann, Econ. Geol., 1948, vol. 43, p. 83) instead of being present in solid solution in augites, amphiboles, and biotite. Blende is reported as a rare mineral in igneous rocks, and is certainly not uncommon in granite-pegmatite dikes.Google Scholar
page 577 note 1 The radii used above for the calculation of the hypothetical distance between Zn and O, ff ZnO were an ionic compound, are the ionic radii for Zn and O in six-coordination. For four-coordination the hypothetical distance should be reduced by about 6%, if, indeed, elements in four-coordination are ever bound by purely ionic bonds.
page 577 note 2 Pauling, L. and Huggins, M. L., Zeits. Krist., 1934, vol. 87, p. 205.Google Scholar
page 577 note 3 Barth, T. F. W. and Posnjak, E., Journ. Washington Acad. Sci., 1931, vol. 21, p. 255; Zeits. Krist., 1932, vol. 82, p. 325. [M.A. 5–179.]Google Scholar
page 579 note 1 Buerger, N. W., Econ. Geol., 1941, vol. 36, p. 19. [M.A. 8–254.]CrossRefGoogle Scholar
page 580 note 1 Ross, C. S., Amer. Min., 1946, vol. 31, p. 411. [M.A. 10–26.]Google Scholar
page 581 note 1 Wickman, F. E., Arkiv Kemi, Min. Geol., 1945, vol. 19 B, no. 2. (Preprints dated 1944.)Google Scholar
page 581 note 2 Goldschmidt, V. M., Vid.-Akad. Skr. Oslo, I. Kl., 1923, no. 3. [M.A. 2–159.]Google Scholar