Upcoming Meetings:
March 13–14, CSTIC, Endorsed
April 4–7, 17th Intl. Conf. on Microscopy of Semiconducting Materials, Endorsed
April 25–29, 2011 MRS Spring Meeting, MRS
May 9–13, E-MRS 2011 Spring Meeting/IUMRS ICAM 2011; E-MRS/MRS Bilateral Conf on Energy, E-MRS, IUMRS, MRS
June 26–1, 7th Intl. Dendrimer Symp., Managed by MRS
June 27–1, 3DMR, Endorsed
July 4–7, MC10, Endorsed
To list an event in the Calendar, contact Robin Nazaruk, Materials Research Society, 506 Keystone Drive, Warrendale, PA 15086-7573; 724-779-2756; fax 724-779-8313; MeetingsCalendar@mrs.org.
See the September 2010 MRS BULLETIN for November 2010 Calendar entries. For updates, access www.mrs.org.
• ▼ identifies a new or revised entry this month.
• “Endorsed” identifies events endorsed by MRS.
• MRS, A-MRS, Africa-MRS, B-MRS, C-MRS, E-MRS, MRS-A, MRS-I, MRS-J, MRS-K, MRS-R, MRS-S, MRS-T, M-MRS, or IUMRS at the end of an entry indicates a joint meeting or sponsorship or co-sponsorship of an event by the International Union of Materials Research Societies or one of its adhering bodies; see www.iumrs.org.
MARCH 2011
6–10 ▼ 2nd Intl. Conf. on Multifunctional, Hybrid and Nanomaterials, Strasbourg, France. Charlotte Alman, Hybrid Materials 2011; customerservice-hybridmats11@elsevier.com; www.hybridmaterialsconference.com/.
8–10 ▼ Commercializing Nanotubes 2011, Düsseldorf, Germany. Applied Market Information Ltd., 45-47 Stokes Croft, AMI House, Bristol, BS1 3QP, UK; 44-117-924-9442; 44-117-989-2128; info@amiplastics.com; www2.amiplastics.com/Events/Event.aspx?code=C394&sec=1491.
8–10 ▼ OFC/NFOEC 2011, Los Angeles, CA. OFC Conf. Information; 202-416-1907; 800-766-4672; info@ofcconference.org; www.ofcnfoec.org/about_ofc/index.aspx.
13–14 China Semiconductor Technology Intl. Conf. (CSTIC), Shanghai, China. April Peng, SEMI China, 18G/H, Tower 2, Hua Ao Ctr., 31 Zizhuyuan Rd., Beijing, 100089, China; 86-10-519060-86; fax 86-10-51906087; apeng@semi.org; www.semi.org.cn/cstic. Endorsed.
14–17 2011 Intl. Laser Safety Conf., San Jose, CA. Laser Institute of America’s Conf. Dept.; 800-34-LASER; ilsc@laserinstitute.org; www.laserinstitute.org/ilsc.
14–17 Navigating Chemical Compound Space for Materials and Bio Design, Los Angeles, CA. http://e-math.ams.org/meetings/calendar/2011_mar14-jun17_losangeles.html.
21–25 American Physical Society (APS) Physics—March Meeting, Dallas, TX. American Physical Society, One Physics Ellipse, College Park, MD. 20740-3844; 301-209-3200; fax 301-209-0865; www.aps.org/meetings/march/index.cfm.
22 CS Europe — Compound Semiconductor Conf., Frankfurt, Germany. CS Europe; info@cseurope.net; www.cseurope.net.
27–31 241st ACS National Meeting, Anaheim, CA. ACS; 202-776-8044; nationalmeetings@acs.org; www.acs.org/anaheim2011.
29–31 European Coatings Show 2011, Nuremberg, Germany. Nicole Steinbach, Vincentz Network GmbH and Co. KG, Plathnerstr. 4c, Hannover, 30175, Germany; 49-5-11-99-10-274; fax 49-5-11-99-10-279; nicole.steinbach@vincentz.net; www.european-coatings-show.com/en/press/ars12/ars25/?arspageid=25.pm.6354.
30–31 World Materials Perspectives (WMP) 2011, Nancy, France. info@wmp-roadmaps.org; www.wmp-roadmaps.org.
APRIL 2011
4–7 17th Intl. Conf. on Microscopy of Semiconducting Materials, Cambridge, UK. Claire Garland, Institute of Physics, 76 Portland Pl., London, W1B 1NT, UK; 44-20-7470-4800; fax 44-20-7637-4266; claire.garland@iop.org; www.msm2011.org. Endorsed.
5–6 NanoManufacturing Conf. and Exhibits, Oakbrook Terrace, IL. Society of Manufacturing Engineers; 800-733-4763; service@sme.org; www.sme.org/nanomanufacturing.
9–13 ▼ Experimental Biology, Washington, DC. FASEB, 9650 Rockville Pike, Bethesda, MD 20814; http://experimentalbiology.org/content/exhibits.aspx.
13–14 ▼ European Symp. on Biomaterials and Related Areas (EURO BioMat 2011), Jena, Germany. Anja Mangold, Deutsche Gesellschaft für Materialkunde e.V., Senckenberganlage 10, Frankfurt, 60325, Germany; 49-69-75306-747; fax 49-69-75306-733; biomat@dgm.de; www.dgm.de/dgm/biomat.
13–16 ▼ Society For Biomaterials 2011 Annual Meeting and Exposition, Orlando, FL. Society For Biomaterials; 856-439-0826; info@biomaterials.org; http://2011.biomaterials.org.
16–21 2011 Society of Vacuum Coaters (SVC) Technical Conf., Chicago, IL. SVC, 71 Pinon Hill Pl. NE, Albuquerque, NM 87122-1914; 505-856-7188; fax 505-856-6716; svcinfo@svc.org; www.svc.org.
18–19 12th Annual IEEE Wireless and Microwave Technology (WAMI) Conf., Clearwater, FL. www.wamicon.org.
25–29 2011 MRS Spring Meeting, San Francisco, CA. Materials Research Society, 506 Keystone Dr., Warrendale, PA 15086, USA; 724-779-3003; fax 724-779-8313; info@mrs.org; www.mrs.org. MRS.
MAY 2011
1–6 ▼ 219th Electrochemical Society (ECS) Meeting, Montreal, Canada. The Electrochemical Society, 65 South Main St., Bldg. D, Pennington, NJ 08534-2839; 609-737-1902; fax 609-737-2743; ecs@electrochem.org; www.electrochem.org/meetings/biannual/219/219.htm.
1–6 ▼ CLEO: 2011, Baltimore, MD. OSA Customer Service; 202-416-1907; custserv@osa.org; www.cleoconference.org.
2–6 International Conference on Metallurgical Coatings and Thin Films (ICMCTF 2011), San Diego, CA. Mary Gray; 703-266-3287; icmctf@mindspring.com. www.avs.org/conferences/ICMCTF.
9–13 E-MRS 2011 Spring Meeting/IUMRS ICAM 2011, including E-MRS/MRS Bilateral Conf. on Energy, Nice, France. European Materials Research Society; 33-3-88-10-63-72; fax 33-3-88-10-62-93; emrs@emrs-strasbourg.com; www.emrs-strasbourg.com/ICAM2011. E-MRS, IUMRS, MRS.
12–15 ▼ Advances in Applied Physics and Materials Science Congress, Antalya, Turkey. Secretariat; 90-262-605-1309; info@apmas2011.org, www.apmas2011.org.
15–18 The ConFab, Las Vegas, NV. Jo-Ann Pellegrini; 650-946-3169; joannp@pennwell.com; www.theconfab.com.
20–25 XXVI Congress of the Intl. Society for the Advancement of Cytometry, Baltimore, MD. Roya Jaseb, 9650 Rockville Pike, Bethesda, MD 20814; 301-634-7017; fax 301-634-7014; isac@faseb.org; www.isac-net.org.
22–26 ▼ Compound Semiconductor Week, Berlin, Germany. Oksana Bondarenko, LayTec GmbH, Seesener Str. 10-13, Berlin, 10709, Germany; 49-0-30-39-800-80-33; fax 49-0-30-39-800-80-80; bondarenko@laytec.de; http://conference.vde.com/csw2011/Pages/Homepage.aspx.
22–27 Society for Information Display (SID) 2011, Los Angeles, CA. 1475 S. Bascom Ave., Ste. 114, Campbell, CA 95008; 408-879-3901; fax 408-879-3833; office@sid.org; www.sid.org.
23–26 Advanced Aerospace Materials and Processes Conf. and Exposition (AeroMat) 2011, Long Beach, CA. ASM Intl., Member Service Center, 9639 Kinsman Rd., Materials Park, OH 44073-0002, USA; 800-336-5152; fax 440-338-4634; customerservice@asminternational.org; www.asminternational.org/content/Events/aeromat.
29–31 ▼ 2nd Intl. Symp. Frontiers in Polymer Science, Lyon, France. customer-service-polymer11@elsevier.com, www.frontiersinpolymerscience.com.
JUNE 2011
5–9 16th Intl. Conf. on Solid- State Sensors, Actuators and Microsystems (Transducers ’11), Beijing, China. China Intl. Conf. Center for Science and Tech, Rm. 60742, Unit 7, Suyuan Apt., Beijing Friendship Hotel No.1, Zhongguanchuan Nandajie, Beijing,100873, China; fax 86-10-62174126; info@transducers11-beijing.org; http://transducers11-beijing.org.
5–10 ▼ 22nd North American Catalysis Society Meeting (NAM), Detroit, MI. 22ndNAM@gmail.com; http://22nam.org.
12–18 ▼ 11th Intl. Conf. on Applications of Nuclear Techniques, Crete, Greece. www.crete11.org.
17–20 Glass Performance Days Finland, Tampere, Finland. Jorma Vitkala, Glaston Finland/GPD, Vehmaistenkatu 5, Tampere, 33730, Finland; 358-10-500-6216; Jorma.Vitkala@gpd.fi; http://gpd.fi.
19–25 12th World Conf. on Titanium (Ti-2011), Beijing, China. Hongkang Zhu, Ti-2011 Secretariat, No. 96, Weiyang Rd., Xi’an, Shaanxi, 710016, China; 86-29-86266570; fax 86-29-86231101; sec@ti-2011.com; www.ti-2011.com.
21–24 ▼ 17th Conf. on Insulating Films on Semiconductors, Grenoble, France. Gilles Reimbold, CEA - Léti - MINATEC - Nanotec division,17 rue des martyrs, Grenoble cedex 9, F-38054, France; 33-4-38-78-41 11; infos2011@cea.fr; www.minatec.com/infos2011.
26–1 7th Intl. Dendrimer Symp., Gaithersburg, MD. Materials Research Society; 724-779-3003; fax 724-779-8313; info@mrs.org; www.mrs.org. Managed by MRS.
26–1 Intl. Conf. on Materials for Advanced Technologies (ICMAT2011), Suntec, Singapore. ICMAT2011 Secretariat Office, Meeting Matters Intl., 25 Hindoo Rd., Singapore, 209116; 65-6341-7229; fax 65-6341-7269; icmat2011@meetmatt.net; www.mrs.org.sg/icmat2011.
27–1 ▼ 2011 Collaborative Conf. on 3D and Materials Research (3DMR), Jeju Island, South Korea. www.acknol.org/3DMR. Endorsed.
JULY 2011
4–7 ▼ 10th Intl. Conf. on Materials Chemistry (MC10),Manchester, UK. RSC Events, Royal Society of Chemistry, Thomas Graham House, Science Park, Milton Rd., Cambridge, CB4 0WF, UK; 44-1223-432380/432254; fax 44-1223-423623; www.rsc.org/ConferencesAndEvents/RSCConferences/MC10/index.asp. Endorsed.
18–22 7th Intl. Congress on Industrial and Applied Mathematics (ICIAM 2011), Vancouver, BC, Canada. info@iciam2011.com; www.iciam2011.com.
24 ▼ Carbon Materials for Energy Storage and Generation, Shanghai, China. Shaun Gamble; carbonworkshop2011@elsevier.com; www.elsevierscitech.com/conferences/carbon/workshop/index.html.
24–30 ▼ 19th Intl. Conf. on Composites or Nano Engineering, Shanghai (ICCE-19), China. Ing Kong, RMIT University, GPO Box 2476, Melbourne, Vic, 3001, Australia; icce19@icce-nano.org; www.icce-nano.org.
1–5 ▼ 10th Intl. Conf. on the Structure of Surfaces (ICSOS-10) and e-ICSOS-10, Hong Kong. Department of Physics and Materials Science, City University of Hong Kong, 83 Tat Chee Ave., Kowloon, Hong Kong; 852-3442-7844; fax 852-3442-0538; icsos10@cityu.edu.hk; http://go.cityu.hk/icsos10.
7–11 ▼ Microscopy and Microanalysis 2011, Nashville, TN. Nicole Guy, Hachero Hill, Inc., 11260 Roger Bacon Dr., Ste. 402, Reston, VA 20190; 703-964-1240, ext. 14; nicoleguy@mindspring.com; www.msa.microscopy.org.
8–10 ▼ Materials and Processes for Medical Devices (MPMD) Conf. and Exposition 2011, Minneapolis, MN. Member Service Center, ASM Intl., 9639 Kinsman Rd., Materials Park, OH 44073-0002; 800-336-5152; fax 440-338-4634; customerservice@asminternational.org; www.asminternational.org/content/Events/mpmd.
14–18 ▼ XX Intl. Materials Research Congress (IMRC) 2011,Cancun, Mexico. Webmaster@mrs-mexico.org.mx; www.mrs-mexico.org.mx/imrc2011. M-MRS, MRS.
22–26 ‧24th Intl. Conf. on Amorphous and Nanocrystalline Semiconductors (ICANS 24), Nara, Japan. www.icans24.org/index.html.
28–2 ▼ Microscopy Conf. 2011, Kiel, Germany. Wolfgang Jager; 49-431-880-6177; wj@tf.uni-kiel.de; www.mc2011.de.
4–8 ▼ 22nd European Conf. on Diamond, Diamond-Like Materials, Carbon Nanotubes, and Nitrides (Diamond 2011), Bavaria, Germany. www.diamond-conference.elsevier.com.
11–16 Intl Conf. on Silicon Carbide and Related Materials (ICSCRM) 2011, Cleveland, OH. Barbara Kakiris, NASA Glenn Conf. Liaison, 21000 Brookpark Rd., MS 3-5, Cleveland, OH 44135; 216-433-2513; fax 216-977-7133; Barbara.L.Kakiris@nasa.gov; www.icscrm2011.org.
27–29 ▼ Intl. Thermal Spray Conf. and Exposition (ITSC) 2011, Hamburg, Germany. DVS—German Welding Society, Aachener Str. 172, Dusseldorf, 40223, Germany; www.dvs-ev.de/call4papers/index.cfm?vid=46.
2–6 Federation of Analytical Chemistry and Spectroscopy Societies 2011 (FACSS 2011), Reno, NV. Federation of Analytical Chemistry and Spectroscopy, PO Box 24379, Santa Fe, NM 87502, USA; 505-820-1648; facss@facss.org; http://facss.org.
2–7 4th Intl. Conf. on Electrophoretic Deposition: Fundamentals and Applications (EPD 2011), Puerto Vallarta, Mexico. Engineering Confs. Intl., 32 Broadway, Ste. 314, New York, NY 10004; 212-514-6760; info@engconfintl.org; www.engconfintl.org/11ab.html.
2–7 XXXV Intl. Scientific Basis for Nuclear Waste Management Symp., Buenos Aires, Argentina. Ricardo Carranza, Comisión Nacional de Energía Atómica; 54-11-6772-7488; fax 54-11-6772-7362; carranza@cnea.gov.ar; www.cnea.gov.ar/mrs2011. Endorsed.
12–14 Intl. Congress and Exhibition Euro PM2011, Barcelona, Spain. European Powder Metallurgy Association, Talbot House, Market St., Shrewsbury, SY1 1LG, UK; 44-1743-248899; info@epma.com; www.epma.com/pm2011.
16–20 Materials Science and Technology 2011 Conf. and Exhibition (MS&T’11), Columbus, OH. Meeting Services, TMS, 184 Thorn Hill Rd., Warrendale, PA 15086; 724-776-9000, ext. 243; mtgserv@tms.org.
31–2 26th Materials Information Society (ASM) Heat Treating Society Conf. and Exposition, Cincinnati, OH. ASM Member Service Center, 9639 Kinsman Rd., Materials Park, OH 44073-0002; 440-338-5151, ext. 0; fax 440-338-4634; memberservicecenter@asminternational.org; http://hts.asminternational.org/content/Events/Heattreat/index.jsp.
7–10 ▼ Intl. Symp. on Clusters and Nanostructures (ISCAN-2011),Richmond, VA. Puru Jena, Virginia Commonwealth University, PO Box 842000, Richmond, VA 23284-2000; 804-828 8991; pjena@vcu.edu; www.iscan.vcu.edu. Endorsed.
27–1 Fray Intl. Symp., Cancun, Mexico. Florian Kongoli, Flogen Technologies Inc., 1255 Laird Blvd., Ste. 388, Mont-Royal, QC, H3P2T1, Canada; 514-344-8786 ext. 220; fax 514-344-0361; fkongoli@flogen.com; www.flogen.com/FraySymposium.
28–2 2011 MRS Fall Meeting, Boston, MA. Materials Research Society, 506 Keystone Dr., Warrendale, PA 15086, USA; 724-779-3003; fax 724-779-8313; info@mrs.org; www.mrs.org/F11. MRS.
11–15 2nd Nano Today Conf., Waikoloa Beach, HI. 2nd Nano Today Conf. Secretariat, Elsevier, The Boulevard, Langford Ln., Kidlington, Oxford, OX5 1GB, UK; 44-1865-843051; nanotoday2011@elsevier.com; www.nanotoday-conference.com.
11–15 ▼ 6th Intl. Symp. on Surface Science and Nanotechnology (ISSS-6), Tokyo, Japan. Susumu Fukatsu, University of Tokyo, 3-8-1 Komaba, Meguro, Tokyo,153-8902, Japan; 81-3-5454-6754; fax 81-3-5454-6998; isss6@sssj.org; www.sssj.org/isss6.
12–16 ▼ 6th Intl. African-MRS Conf., Victoria Falls, Zimbabwe. info@Africamrs.org; www.Africamrs.org. Africa-MRS, Endorsed.
APRIL 2012
9–13 ▼ 2012 MRS Spring Meeting,San Francisco, CA. Materials Research Society, 506 Keystone Dr., Warrendale, PA 15086; 724-779-3003; fax 724-779-8313; info@mrs.org; www.mrs.org/Spring2012. MRS.
28–3 ▼ 2012 55th SVC Annual Technical Conf., Santa Clara, CA. Society of Vacuum Coaters, 71 Pinon Hill Pl. NE, Albuquerque, NM 7122; 505-856-7188; fax 505-856-6716; www.svc.org/ConferencesExhibits/Future-Meetings.cfm.
JUNE 2012
1–6 ▼ XXVII Congress of the Intl. Society for the Advancement of Cytometry (CYTO 2012), Leipzig, Germany. ISAC, isac@faseb.org, www.cytoconference.org/pages/FutureCYTOCongress.aspx.
3–8 ▼ SID 2012, Boston, MA. The Society for Information Display, 1475 S. Bascom Ave., Ste. 114, Campbell, CA 95008; 408-879-3901; fax 408-879-3833; office@sid.org; www.sid.org.
JULY 2012
8–13 ▼ XIV Intl. Conf. on Phonon Scattering in Condensed Matter (PHONONS 2012), Ann Arbor, MI. Kevin Pipe; pipe@umich.edu; www.phonons2012.com.
26-30 ▼ 2012 MRS Fall Meeting, Boston, MA. Materials Research Society, 506 Keystone Dr., Warrendale, PA 15086; 724-779-3003; fax 724-779-8313; info@mrs.org; www.mrs.org/fall2012. MRS.