Published online by Cambridge University Press: 28 February 2011
Leaching of high burnup BWR fuel for up to 3 years showed that both U and Pu attain saturation rapidly at pH 8.1, giving values of 1–2 mg/l and 1 μg/l respectively. The leaching rate for Sr-90 decreased from about 10−5/d to 10−7/d but was always higher than the rates for U, Pu, Cm, Ce, Eu and Ru. Congruent dissolution was only attained at pH values of about 4.
The hypothesis that alpha radiolytic decomposition of water is a driving force for UO2 corrosion even under reducing conditions has been examined in leaching tests on low burnup (low alpha dose-rate) fuel. No significant effect of alpha radiolysis under the experimental conditions was detected.