Published online by Cambridge University Press: 15 February 2011
Dispersion curves for low-frequency transverse modes propagating in the basal plane have been measured in the compounds KC8, KC24 and RbC24 by means of neutron inelastic scattering. The acoustic branches show at low q a behavior ω2= Aq2+Bq4 characteristic of layered materials. The optical branches are derived qualitatively from graphite-like optical branches hybridized with new alkali-like branches. In stage 2 compounds, the shear constant C44, which can be obtained by extrapolating the acoustic branch towards q=0, is appreciably smaller than in stage-1 compounds or in pure graphite. At low temperatures, it was noted in KC24 that a frequency gap in the acoustic branch opens up near q=0.6 A-1, corresponding to the Brillouin zone boundary of the low temperature alkali superstructure.