Published online by Cambridge University Press: 21 March 2011
Titanium oxides were grown anodically to selected final potentials on grade II polycrystalline titanium under different anodization rates. XPS and RBS results show that the oxide consists of primarily TiO2with a non-stoichiometric oxide/metal interface, with the slower growth rate associated with a thicker layer at the interface. Characterization using TEM reveals that the structure of the oxide evolves from a primarily amorphous phase to islands of crystallites in an amorphous matrix, to an entirely crystalline phase by increasing the polarization potential. Slower growth rates tend to remain crystalline at higher potentials. The mechanical strength of oxide films extracted from load-depth data by nanoindentation varies dramatically for oxide films grown by different rates at 9.4 V, and to a lesser extent at lower potentials. The variation of film strength is associated with both compositional and structural characteristics.