In August 2021, the Global Center for Species Survival initiated its work plan in support of the IUCN Species Survival Commission (SSC) network. The Global Center is a new partnership between the Indianapolis Zoo and SSC, with the aim of accelerating the global conservation work of the SSC network. This network consists of more than 10,500 volunteer experts in 173 countries and is organized into more than 160 Specialist Groups, Conservation Committees, Red List Authorities and Task Forces. Global Center staff include seven Conservation Coordinators (Amphibians & Reptiles, Birds, Invertebrates, Mammals, Plants & Fungi, Freshwater, and Marine) as well as a Public Relations Specialist. In 2022, a Behaviour Change Coordinator will be added to the team to focus on the human dimensions of conservation.
After launching in early 2021, the Global Center met with SSC groups to assess the priorities and needs of the network. Working with the SSC Chair's office, the Global Center has developed a workplan that involves activities to support each step of the SSC Species Conservation Cycle: Assess, Plan, Act, Network and Communicate. The Global Center activities will include accelerating the ability of the SSC network to assess species and develop and implement conservation plans, assisting the network with responses to urgent threats, expanding communication of conservation progress and efforts, increasing communication across the network, and diversifying and strengthening engagement of network membership.
Additionally, the Coordinators will serve as first-line contacts for taxonomic Specialist Groups and stand-alone Red List Authorities and facilitate linkages across and beyond the SSC network. As the Global Center is situated within an Association of Zoos and Aquariums accredited zoo and in strong communication with the global conservation community, it is well positioned to enhance communication and align conservation activities between these groups.