Published online by Cambridge University Press: 27 February 2017
1 Oppenheim, International Law, Vol. 1, pp. 22-29 (8th ed.).
2 Hans Kelsen, “ Theorie du droit international coutumier,” Eevue Internationale de la Theorie du Droit (N.S.I), p. 253 (1939); G. I. Tunkin, “Eemarks on the Juridical Nature of Customary Norm of International Law,” 49 Calif. Law Bev. 419 (1961); Jean Haemmerlfi, La coutume en Droit des Gens d'aprSs la Jurisprudence de la C.P.J.I. 147 (Nancy, 1935); Alfred Verdross, “Das volkerrechtliche Gewohnheitsrecht,” 7 Japanese Annual of International Law 1 (1963).
3 For a comprehensive inquiry into the other features, see McDougal, Lasswell and Vlasic, Law and Public Order in Space 115 and the references given there (Tale, 1963).
4 In the Arabian-American Oil Company arbitration, the practice of private oil companies was recognized as constituting a custom. 27 Int. Law Eep. 117.
5 C. W. Jenka, The Prospects of International Adjudication 237 (1964).