Published online by Cambridge University Press: 01 January 1973
Since the Royal Musical Association was founded in 1874, it has heard five papers on Mozart. Perhaps the most notable was read in 1932 by C. B. Oldman, under the title ‘Mozart and Modern Research’. As this gave me the idea for the present paper, and as Oldman's name will recur in it, I might briefly recall what he did for the Association and for Mozart. He was a member of Council for 37 years, and a vice-president for 21. Shortly before he died, in 1969, he gave up the chairmanship of the Proceedings Committee which he had held since 1953. From the mid-1920s, for nearly three decades, it was he in the British Museum, even during the arduous years of his Principal Keepership of Printed Books, to whom visiting musical scholars came for advice, particularly on Mozart, but on much else as well.
1 ‘Der gegenwartige Stand der Mozart-Forschung’, Bericht über den neunten internationalen musikwissenschaftlichen Kongress, Salzburg, 1964, i (Cassel &c., 1964), 47–55.Google Scholar
2 ‘Beiträge zur Mozart-Autographie. I: Die Handschrift Leopold Mozarts’, Mozart-Jahrbuch 1960/61, Salzburg, 1961, pp. 82–117.Google Scholar
3 ‘Verzeichnis der verschollenen Mozart-Autographe der ehemaligen preussischen Staatsbibliothck Berlin (BB)’, Mozart-Jahrbuch 1962/63, Salzburg, 1964, pp. 306–9. Ten of them mysteriously reappeared in Tubingen in 1965: cf. Acta Mozartiana, xii (1965), 66.Google Scholar
4 Dmitri Kolbin, ‘Ein wiedergefundenes Mozart-Autograph’, Mozart-Jakrbuch 1967, Salzburg, 1968, pp. 193–204; W. Plath, ‘Zur Echtheitsfrage bei Mozart’, Mozart-Jahrbuch 1971/72, Salzburg, 1973, pp. 26–27.Google Scholar
5 ‘Mozartiana in Fulda und Frankfurt’, Mozart-Jahrbuch 1968/70, Salzburg, 1970, pp. 373–4, 386.Google Scholar
6 ‘Neue Mozartiana in Italien’, Die Musikforschung, xv (1962), 231–4.Google Scholar
7 Gerhard Croll, ‘Eine neuentdeckte Bach-Fuge für Streichquartett von Mozart’, Österreichische Musikzeitschrift, xxi (1966), 508–14.CrossRefGoogle Scholar
8 ‘Ein uberraschender Mozart-Fund’, Mozart-Jahrbuch 1962/63, pp. 108–10; and ‘Zu Mozarts Larghetto und Allegro Es-dur fur 2 Klaviere’, Mozart-Jahrbuch 1964, Salzburg, 1965, pp. 28–37.Google Scholar
9 See the preface to Wolfgang Plath's edition (Cassel &c., 1966).Google Scholar
10 ‘Mozarts Kompositionsweise—Beobachtungen am Figaro-Autograph’, Mozart-Jahrbuch 1967, pp. 31–45.Google Scholar
11 ‘Mozart's Violin Concerto in E flat’, Music & Letters, xii (1931), 174–83.CrossRefGoogle Scholar
12 The Mozart Companion, ed. H. C. Robbins Landon and Donald Mitchell, London, 1956, pp. 217–19.Google Scholar
13 Mozart: his Character, his Work, London, 1946, pp. 6, 7.Google Scholar
14 Mozart, London, 1935, p. 4. The youngest of the three was a sculptor, not a mason. It was not he, but the second son, who was the composer's great-grandfather.Google Scholar
15 Adolf Layer, Die Augsburger Künstlerfamilie Mozart, Augsburg, [1970?]. This lists the artistic works of the Mozarts and all the literature about each. See also H. F. Deininger and J. Herz, ‘Beitràge zur Genealogie der ältesten schwabischen Vorfahren Wolfgang Amadeus Mozarts’, Neues Augsburger Mozartbuch, Augsburg, 1960, pp. 1–76.Google Scholar
16 Some are reproduced in Ludwig Wegele, Der Augsburger Maler Anton Mozart, Augsburg, 1969.Google Scholar
17 ‘Der Augsburger Buchbinder Johann Georg Mozart’, Archiv für Geschichte des Buchwesens, xi (1970), 873–84.Google Scholar
18 Robert Münster,‘Neues in Leopold Mozarts Augsburger gymnasialjahren’, Acta Mozartiana, xii (1965), 57–60. See also Adolf Layer, Eine Jugend in Augsburg. Leopold Mozart 1719–1737, Augsburg, [1975].Google Scholar
19 The certificate is reproduced on p. 202 of E. F. Schmid's ‘Miszellen zur Augsburger Mozartforschung’, Neues Augsburger Mozartbuch, pp. 191–226. The words describing Leopold's successes are written by hand, and not part of the printed report form.Google Scholar
20 Details are given in Münster's article.Google Scholar
21 See the list in Die Musik in Geschichte und Gegenwart.Google Scholar
22 Letter of 10 December 1778; The Letters of Mozart and his Family, transl. and ed. Emily Anderson, and edn., London, 1966, ii. 640.Google Scholar
23 See Leopold Mozart … Bild einer Persönlichkeit, ed. Ludwig Wegele, Augsburg, 1969, Pl. XXVIII.Google Scholar
24 Mozart: Briefe und Aufzeichnungen, ed. Wilhelm A. Bauer and Otto Erich Deutsch, v (Cassel &c., 1971), 283.Google Scholar
25 See also Mozart's letter of 26 October 1771.Google Scholar
26 Aus Mozarts Freundes- und Familienkreis, Vienna &c., 1923.Google Scholar
27 Peter Gammond, One Man's Music, London, 1971, pp. 110–11. Quoted by courtesy of Wolfe Publishing Ltd.Google Scholar
28 Eckermann, J. P., Gesprāche mit Goethe, Leipzig, 1885, iii. 157.Google Scholar