Two errors have been identified in the analysis reported in the above article.
Figure 1: The number of studies included in quantitative synthesis (meta-analysis) was 198 rather than 199.
Figure 2: The authors reanalysed data for “Presence of religious beliefs/spirituality” as it was noticed that three data points were entered into the meta-analysis software with incorrect direction. The meta-analysis effect size originally reported was r = 0.35 (95% CI 0.12, 0.55), p = .0035, I 2 = 88.453, (I 2 was included in Supplementary Table 13a only). Reanalysis indicated a correct effect size of: r = 0.15 (−0.12, 0.15), p = .8280, I 2 = 62.101. Therefore, presence of religious beliefs/spirituality had a negligible association with better quality of life, rather than a moderate association as originally stated (p.2134).
The authors apologise for these errors.