Published online by Cambridge University Press: 01 January 2025
A comparison of the “test-retest” and “internal consistency” estimates of reliability coefficients is given, and it is shown that the two methods give different results. Application of the analysis of variance and covariance method reveals that there is not just one but a number of reliability coefficients involved, and that an estimate of each of these may be obtained. The analysis shows that in using the test-retest method the error or remainder effects are not independent on the two trials, possibly because the individuals remember the items and their responses to them on the previous trial.
Kuder. G. F. and Richardson, M. W. The theory of the estimation of test reliability. Psychometrika, 1937, 2, 151-60.
Hoyt. C. Test reliability estimated by analysis of variance. Psychometrika, 1941, 6, 153-160.
* Jackson. R. W. B. Reliability of mental tests. British Journal of Psychology, 1939, 29, 267-87.
† Hoyt, C. Op. cit.
‡ Jackson, R. W. B. Application of the analysis of variance and covariance method to educational problems. Toronto: Department of Educational Research, Bulletin No. 11, 1940, 103.
* Jackson, R. W. B. and Ferguson, G. A. Studies on the reliability of tests. Toronto: Department of Educational Research, Bulletin No. 12, 1941.