Published online by Cambridge University Press: 26 October 2023
This afternoon we are about to hear a lecture entitled ‘Some Speculations on the Aeroelastic Problems of Rotary Wing Systems’ This sounds a terrifying title—rather like the sub-titles of Victorian novels—but I suggest the short title, ‘Collar on Blade Flutter’ I have the pleasant task of introducing to you the lecturer In view of Professor COLLAR’S reputation, I am really not sure whether I should introduce the lecturer to the Association or the Association to the lecturer I shall therefore do both without, I hope, imposing upon your patience
Professor COLLAR is easily introduced, because he is one of those people who hold their jobs After taking his degree in Cambridge, he served for 12 years on the staff of the N P L, and for 4 years at the R A E, before being invited to become the Sir George White Professor of Aeronautical Engineering in the University of Bristol