The author regrets the inclusion of three errors in the above article. The three errors concern the Paris Equity Check (PEC) (on page 116):
1) The PEC lead author, Yann Robiou du Pont, held a visiting researcher position at the Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research (PIK). His home institution was the University of Melbourne.
2) The emissions allocation model used in the PEC was not ‘taken from the “emissions module” of the PRIMAP module’ but instead was developed based on this module.
3) The paper wrongly stated that ‘[t]he last update of the Paris Equity Check website goes back to 2015’. The PEC's ‘Equity Map’ was created and last updated in 2017. Its ‘Pledged Warming Map’ was created in 2018 (only the quantification of the nationally determined contributions has been updated since). The author would like to use the opportunity to specify that the two maps reflect the results of the following papers, respectively: Y. Robiou du Pont et al., ‘Equitable Mitigation to Achieve the Paris Agreement Goals’ (2017) 7 Nature Climate Change, pp. 38–43, available at:, and Y. Robiou du Pont et al., ‘Warming Assessment of the Bottom-up Paris Agreement Emissions Pledges’ (2018) 7 Nature Communications, pp. 1-10, available at:
The author apologizes for these errors and wishes to correct them through this notice.