The 18th International Conference on Surface Modification of Materials by Ion Beams will be held on September 15–20, 2013, in Kusadasi, Turkey. Chaired and co-chaired by Ahmet Öztarhan and Emel Sokullu Urkaç, respectively, from Ege University, the conference will focus on phenomena, processes, and techniques; fundamental studies of ion-beam processing; applications; and emerging techniques and equipment. The format includes oral and poster presentations and an equipment exhibit. Proceedings will be published in a special issue of Applied Surface Science.
Invited speakers include Nobel laureate Andre Geim of the University of Manchester, Paul F.A. Alkemade of the Delft University of Technology, John Baglin of IBM Almaden Research Center in California, Paul K. Chu of City University of Hong Kong, Ryosuke Ikeguchi of the Kobe City Medical Center General Hospital in Japan, Daryush Ila of Fayetteville State University, Tapobrata Som of the Institute of Physics in Bhubaneswar, and Ronghua Wei of Southwest Research Institute headquartered in Texas.
The deadline for abstracts and early registration is April 30, 2013.
More information can be accessed at the website, by email to the chair or co-chair at or, or at The conference is endorsed by the Materials Research Society.