We alert readers' attention to errors found in our published article “Thermal expansion of anatase and rutile between 300 and 575 K using synchrotron powder X-ray diffraction” [Powder Diffr. 22, 352–357 (2007)]. The errors were pointed out to us by Dr. Matteo Ardit of the University of Ferrara, Ferrara, Italy, to whom we are most grateful. They involve two of the equations that were derived for the thermal expansion coefficients of the rutile phase and one of the values in Table IV that was calculated from these equations. The article can be made accurate by the following three corrections:
(1) Page 356: The first coefficient in Eq. 4(e) should be negative. (should read −1.234 56×10−10×T 2 instead of 1.234 56×10−10×T 2).
(2) Page 356: The first coefficient in Eq. 4(f) should be negative. (should read −8.3370×10−9×T 2 instead of 8.3370×10−9×T 2).
(3) Page 355: The value of β/10−6 K−1 for the rutile phase in Table IV should be 33.948 (instead of 28.680).
The value of αc/10−6 K−1 for rutile in Table IV is correct as printed, even though this value is calculated using Eq. 4(e). We regret that our original publication was not completely accurate and apologize for any inconvenience that these errors may have caused.