Eurasian Regionalisms and Russian Foreign Policy
Mikhail A. Molchanov
From the Publisher: Bridging foreign policy analysis and international political economy, this volume offers a new look at the problem of agency in comparative regional integration studies. It examines evolving regional integration projects in the Eurasian space, defined as the former Soviet Union countries and China, and the impact that Russian foreign policy has on integration in the region.
Mikhail A. Molchanov is a professor in the department of political science at St. Thomas University, and his research interests span comparative politics, international relations, and international political economy.
The European Union, Antisemitism, and the Politics of Denial
Amy Elman
University of Nebraska Press
From the Author: This examination of the European Union’s strategy for countering antisemitism discloses escalating prejudice within the EU in the aftermath of 9/11. The author contends that Europe’s political actors have responded to the challenge and provocation of antisemitism with only sporadic rhetoric and inconsistent commitment, a half-hearted strategy for countering antisemitism that exacerbates skepticism toward EU institutions and their commitments to equality and justice. This exposition of the insipid character of the EU’s response simultaneously suggests alternatives that might mitigate the subtle and potentially devastating creep of antisemitism in Europe.
Amy Elman is professor of political science at Kalamazoo College, and she studies comparative politics and western political thought, especially structures of inequality and organized struggles for social justice within industrialized states and international contexts.
America at the Ballot Box: Elections and Political History
Gareth Davies and Julian E. Zelizer, eds.
University of Pennsylvania Press
Christian Human Rights
Samuel Moyn
University of Pennsylvania Press
Contesting Immigration Policy in Court: Legal Activism and Its Radiating Effects in the United States and France
Leila Kawar
Cambridge University Press
The Concealment of the State: Exposing and Challenging the Postmodern State
Jason Royce Lindsey
Contemporary Victims of Creative Suffering
David Cunningham
Oxford University Press
Contentious Politics
Charles Tilly and Sidney Tarrow, eds.
Oxford University Press
Counterterrorism and the State: Western Responses to 9/11
Dorle Hellmuth
University of Pennsylvania Press
Debating the American State: Liberal Anxieties and the New Leviathan, 1930–1970
Anne M. Kornhauser
University of Pennsylvania Press
Debating War: Why Arguments Opposing American Wars and Interventions Fail
David J Lorenzo
Deceit on the Road to War: Presidents, Politics, and American Democracy
John M. Schuessler
Cornell University Press
Displacing Democracy: Economic Segregation in America
Amy Widestrom
University of Pennsylvania Press
Employment Discrimination, Local School Boards, and LGBT Civil Rights: Reviewing 25 Years of Public Opinion Data
Amy B. Becker
Oxford University Press
Engaging the Everyday: Environmental Social Criticism and the Resonance Dilemma
John M. Meyer
MIT Press
The European Union: Democratic Principles and Institutional Architectures in Times of Crisis
Simona Piattoni, ed.
Oxford University Press
Examining Torture: Empirical Studies of State Repression
Tracy Lightcap and James P. Pfiffner
Palgrave Macmillan
Fidelity to Our Imperfect Constitution: For Moral Readings and Against Originalisms
James E. Fleming
Oxford University Press
The First Primary
David W. Moore and Andrew E. Smith
University Press of New England
Fuels Paradise: Seeking Energy Security in Europe, Japan, and the United States
John Duffield
Johns Hopkins University Press
Get Out the Vote: How to Increase Voter Turnout, 3rd Edition
Donald P. Green and Alan S. Gerber
Brookings Institution Press
Greed, Corruption, and the Modern State
Susan Rose-Ackerman and Paul Lagunes, eds.
Edward Elgar Publishing
Handbook of Digital Politics
Stephen Coleman and Deen Freelon, eds.
Edward Elgar Publishing
The Human Right to Citizenship: A Slippery Concept
Rhoda E. Howard-Hassmann and Margaret Walton-Roberts
University of Pennsylvania Press
Labor Standards in International Supply Chains: Aligning Rights and Incentives
Daniel Berliner, Anne Regan Greenleaf, Milli Lake, Margaret Levi, and Jennifer Noveck
Edward Elgar Publishing
Local Politics and Mayoral Elections in 21st Century America: The Keys to City Hall
Sean D. Foreman, Marcia L. Godwin, Melissa Marschall, Carlos E. Cuellar, Joseph P. Caiazzo, Dick Simpson, Melissa Mouritsen, Betty O’Schaughnessy, William J. Miller, Roberty J. Mahu, Lyke Thompson, Fernando J. Guerra, Brianne Gilbert, Larry D. Terry
Machiavelli’s Legacy: “The Prince” After Five Hundred Years
Timothy Fuller, ed.
University of Pennsylvania
Nationalism, Language, and Muslim Exceptionalism
Tristan James Mabry
University of Pennsylvania Press
Oxford Handbook of Environmental Political Theory
Teena Gabrielson, Cheryl Hall, John M. Meyer, David Schlosberg, eds.
Oxford University Press
Pakistan’s Enduring Challenges
C. Christine Fair and Sarah J. Watson
University of Pennsylvania Press
PLA Influence on China’s National Security Policymaking
Philip C. Saunders and Andrew Scobell, eds.
Stanford University Press
Political Corruption
Bo Rothstein, ed.
Edward Elgar Publishing
Political Rhetoric
Mary E. Stuckey
Transaction Publishers
The Politics of Local Participatory Democracy in Latin America: Institutions, Actors, and Interactions
Françoise Montambeault
Privacy in a Cyber Age: Policy and Practice
Amitai Etzioni
Palgrave MacMillan
Public Value and Public Administration
John M. Bryson, Barbara C. Crosby, and Laura Bloomberg, eds.
Georgetown University Press
Regional Missile Defense from a Global Perspective
Catherine McArdle Kelleher and Peter Dombrowski, eds.
Stanford University Press
The Rise and Fall of Classical Greece
Josiah Ober
Princeton University Press
The Senator from New England
Sean Savage
SUNY Press
Settlers in Contested Lands: Territorial Disputes and Ethnic Conflicts
Oded Haklai and Neophytos Loizides, eds.
The Socratic Turn: Knowledge of Good and Evil in an Age of Science
Dustin Sebell
University of Pennsylvania Press
Truth Commissions: Memory, Power, and Legitimacy
Onur Bakiner
University of Pennsylvania Press
Uninformed: Why People Know So Little about Politics and What We Can Do about It
Arthur Lupia
Oxford University Press
Watchdogs on the Hill: The Decline of Congressional Oversight of US Foreign Relations
Linda L. Fowler
Princeton University Press
What Would Madison Do? The Father of the Constitution Meets Modern American Politics
Benjamin Wittes and Pietro Nivola, eds.
Brookings Institution Press
Whether to Kill: The Cognitive Maps of Violent and Nonviolent Individuals
Stephanie Dornschneider
University of Pennsylvania Press
Who Governs? Presidents, Public Opinion, and Manipulation
Lawrence Jacobs and James N. Druckman
University of Chicago Press
Presidential Swing States: Why Only Ten Matter
Stacey Hunter Hecht and David Schultz, eds.
Lexington Books
From the Publisher: The 2016 presidential race is arguably already over in 40 states and the District of Columbia. If recent presidential election trends are any indication of what will happen in 2016, Democrats in Texas and Republicans in New York might as well stay home on election day. The same might be said for the voters in 38 other states too. Conversely, for those in Ohio, Florida, Colorado, Iowa, and a handful of other states will be barraged with presidential candidate visits, commercials, political spending, and countless news stories. Understanding why the presidential race has been effectively reduced to only ten states is the subject of Presidential Swing States: Why Only Ten Matter, a first of its kind examination of why some states are swingers in presidential elections, capable of being won by either of the major candidates.
David Schultz professor, department of political science, Hamline University, studies American politics.
Stacey Hunter Hecht, chair and associate professor of political science, Bethel University studies social policy, citizenship and immigration policy, and religion and politics.
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