Throughout the world, ZEISS stands for the highest quality and reliability. Carl Zeiss Microscopy is part of the Carl Zeiss group, a leading organization of companies operating worldwide in the optical and optoelectronical industry. As the world's only manufacturer of light, X-ray, and electron microscopes, Carl Zeiss Microscopy offers tailor-made widefield, confocal, X-ray, and electron microscope systems for 3D imaging in biomedical research, life sciences, and healthcare. A dedicated and well-trained sales force, an extensive support infrastructure, and a responsive service team enable customers to use their ZEISS microscope systems to their full potential.
• Light Microscopes Imaging Systems Upright and inverted microscopes with complete hard- and software solutions for your imaging needs
• Laser Scanning Microscopes High sensitivity confocal scanning, spectral imaging, and topography
• Stereo & Zoom Microscopes Outstanding zoom and resolution functionality for sorting and dissection tasks
• Superresolution Microscopy Open up a new dimension in light microscopy with ELYRA
• Laser Microdissection Isolate archived tissue, single cells, live cells, or chromosomes
• Correlative Microscopy Correlative Light and Electron Microscopy (CLEM)
• Scanning Electron Microscopes High resolution surface information for life sciences and materials analysis
• FIB-SEM Combine 3D imaging and analysis with focused ion beam milling
• Ion Microscopes Ultra-high resolution and material contrast with uncoated specimens
Focused on the needs of research and development as well as production processes and technologies in Life Sciences, Materials Research, Quality Control, and Natural Resources, we are serving a wide variety of industries and research institutes in academia and industry around the globe.
How to find us
Carl Zeiss Microscopy, LLC
One Zeiss Drive, Thornwood, NY 10594
Tel: (800) 233-2343