A research and development programme performed in Sweden over a period of 9 years has created a substantial know-how on the design of satellite navigation user systems. Thus, a basic user system, called the GP & c Total System has been developed and tested over 3 years. This system can serve as a basis for the tailoring of an almost endless number of applications. The system is currently using data from the GPS satellites, but can also be operated with combined GPS/GLONASS receivers. The Swedish GP & c System is an example of how the communication, navigation and surveillance (CNS) concept and the various elements (ADS, ATM, etc.) for a new global Air Navigation System published by the ICAO FANS Committee can be implemented and integrated into a user-friendly operational system. The ICAO 10th Air Navigation Conference (5–20 September 1991) endorsed the FANS concept in which the main elements are based on the implementation of satellite navigation technology.