Absorbance spectra of rods and some cones were measured by
microspectrophotometry in 22 fish species from the brackish-water of the
Baltic Sea, and when applicable, in the same species from the Atlantic
Ocean (3 spp.), the Mediterranean Sea (1 sp.), or Finnish fresh-water
lakes (9 spp.). The main purpose was to study whether there were
differences suggesting spectral adaptation of rod vision to different
photic environments during the short history (<104 years) of
postglacial isolation of the Baltic Sea and the Finnish lakes. Rod
absorbance spectra of the Baltic subspecies/populations of herring
(Clupea harengus membras), flounder (Platichthys
flesus), and sand goby (Pomatoschistus minutus) were all
long-wavelength-shifted (9.8, 1.9, and 5.3 nm, respectively, at the
wavelength of maximum absorbance, λmax) compared with their
truly marine counterparts, consistent with adaptation for improved quantum
catch, and improved signal-to-noise ratio of vision in the Baltic light
environment. Judged by the shape of the spectra, the chromophore was pure
A1 in all these cases; hence the differences indicate evolutionary tuning
of the opsin. In no species of fresh-water origin did we find significant
opsin-based spectral shifts specific to the Baltic populations, only
spectral differences due to varying A1/A2 chromophore ratio in some.
For most species, rod λmax fell within a wavelength range
consistent with high signal-to-noise ratio of vision in the spectral
conditions prevailing at depths where light becomes scarce in the
respective waters. Exceptions were sandeels in the Baltic Sea, which are
active only in bright light, and all species in a “brown”
lake, where rod λmax lay far below the theoretically
optimal range.