The diet of blue runner Caranx crysos (Carangidae) in the Gulf of Gabès (Tunisia, Mediterranean) is described from analysis of stomach contents (N = 1668 fish). The majority of samples were obtained from commercial purse seine and gill-net catches. The index of vacuity (%VI) was relatively high (58.7%) and differed significantly across months. Blue runner is an opportunistic predator that consumes mostly pelagic organisms, with benthic prey representing only a small proportion of the diet. The diet was quantified using the frequency of occurrence (%F), numerical abundance (%N), weight (%W) and the index of relative importance (IRI and %IRI) for each prey taxa.
The most important prey categories were teleosts (%IRI = 83.4) and crustaceans (%IRI = 16.6), with molluscs only observed occasionally (%IRI < 0.1). Fish were also the dominant food items in both terms of weight (89.60%) and frequency of occurrence (82.44%). In terms of numerical abundance, crustaceans were the most abundant prey (78.07%). Ontogenetic and seasonal differences in the diet were observed, although there was no difference between the diets of males and females.