Studies on the rhizomatous clonal sedge Carex bigelowii, at a fellfield site in subarctic Swedish Lapland examined
the ecological potential of rhizomes as nitrogen uptake systems. Direct application of a solution of
15NH415NO3 to the rhizomes of C. bigelowii significantly enriched the
15N content of the plant tissue. The pattern of enrichment indicated movement of labelled
nitrogen into rhizomes and adjoining tissue (including roots and shoots), showing
both uptake and translocation via the rhizome system. There was a gradient of decreasing 15N enrichment with
increasing distance from the point of labelling, and estimation of the total mass of nitrogen taken up via labelled
rhizomes showed low levels and rates of uptake. Quantification of the size of rhizome and root systems of C.
bigelowii at the study site indicates that 80% of the living biomass may be below ground, and that the surface area
of the rhizome system of C. bigelowii is approx. two-thirds that of the roots. The rhizome system of C. bigelowii
can therefore act as a route for nitrogen uptake, with the potential to exploit almost as great a volume of soil as
the root system. This mechanism of nitrogen uptake may play an important role in the Arctic, where many species
have a clonal, rhizomatous growth form. In addition, plant growth in many arctic ecosystems is limited by low soil
nutrient availability, a result of low temperatures (leading to slow soil decomposition rates) and patchy resource
distribution. Nitrogen uptake via rhizomes may provide plants with the capacity to take advantage of transient
nutrient supplies, and may partly compensate for the cost of developing and maintaining persistent rhizome
networks in ecosystems where nutrient resources are in short supply.