We have undertaken a theoretical study of the impact of the accumulating envelopes on the thermal state of the underlying white dwarf (WD). This has allowed us to find the equilibrium WD core temperatures, the classical nova ignition masses and the thermal luminosities for WDs accreting at rates of 10–11 – 10–8M⊙ yr–1. These accretion rates are most, appropriate to WDs in cataclysmic variables (CVs) of (Porb ≲ 7 hr), many of which accrete sporadically as Dwarf Novae. Over twenty Dwarf Novae have been observed in quiescence, when the accretion rate is low and the WD photosphere is detected and Teff measured. Comparing our theoretical work to these observations allows us to constrain the WD mass and the time averaged accretion rate, ⟨Ṁ⟩. If ⟨Ṁ⟩ is that given by gravitational radiation losses alone, then the WD masses are > 0.8 M⊙. An alternative conclusion is that the masses are closer to 0.6M⊙ and ⟨Ṁ⟩ is 3-4 times larger than that expected from gravitational radiation losses.