Identification of the necessary stimulus properties
to elicit the stimulus preceding negativity (SPN) has been
the impetus for numerous research studies. The current
study was conducted to explore the possibility that the
SPN is an index of cognitive resource allocation. An auditory
warning stimulus (S1) indicated whether an easy or difficult
discrimination would occur at S2. The SPN was collected
before a nonmotor discrimination task (S2) that consisted
of identifying the higher of two bars. To eliminate the
influence of motor processing prior to S2, a button press
on the side of the higher bar was held until perception
of a response cue (S3). Additionally, P3, contingent negative
variation (CNV), and behavioral measures were collected
to assist in assessing the SPN. Results indicated that
although the SPN exhibited increased negativity, no differences
were observed based on task difficulty. However, task difficulty
did affect P3 data for both the warning tone and the discrimination
task, an effect not observed for the CNV. Overall, the
data did not support that hypothesis that the SPN provides
an index of cognitive demand.