The elaborate folding of the brain surface has posed a practical
impediment to investigators engaged in mapping the areas of the
cerebral cortex. This obstacle has been overcome partially by the
development of methods to erase the sulci and gyri by physically
flattening the cortex prior to sectioning. In this study, we have
prepared a step-by-step atlas of the flatmounting process for the
entire cerebral cortex in the macaque monkey. The cortex was dissected
from the white matter, unfolded, and flattened in a single piece of
tissue by making three relieving cuts. The flatmount was sectioned at
60–75 μm and processed for cytochrome oxidase (CO) or myelin.
From animal to animal there was nearly a twofold variation in the
surface area of individual cortical regions, and of the whole cortex.
In each specimen, a close correlation was found between V1 surface area
(mean = 1343 mm2), V2 surface area (mean = 1012
mm2), hippocampal area (mean = 181 mm2), and
total cerebral cortex area (mean = 10,430 mm2). The complete
pattern of CO stripes in area V2 was labeled clearly in several cases;
the number of cycles of thick-pale-thin-pale stripes ranged from 26 to
34. Characteristic patterns of strong CO activity were encountered in
areas V3, MT, auditory and somatosensory cortex. In some animals we
made injections of a retrograde tracer, gold-conjugated cholera toxin B
subunit, into area V2 to identify all sources of cortical input. In
addition to previously described inputs, we identified three new
regions in the occipitotemporal region that project to V2. Flatmounting
the cerebral cortex is a simple, efficient method that can be used
routinely for mapping areas and connections in the macaque brain, the
most widely used primate model of the human brain.