Clastic sedimentary systems and their characteristics are assumed not to have been modified by carbonate bioclastic grains until the Phanerozoic. Here, we show that the presence of carbonate bioclasts produced by disintegrated biomineralizing metazoans modified fine-grained siliciclastic facies in the Late Ediacaran Tamengo Formation, Brazil, ca. 555–542 Ma. The analysis of both polished sections and thin sections shows that sand-sized carbonate bioclasts (< 2 mm) derived from the Ediacaran metazoan Corumbella created diverse sedimentary features later found in the Phanerozoic record, such as bioclastic-rich horizontal and low-angle cross-laminations, erosive pods and lenses, bioclastic syneresis cracks, ripples preserved by bioclastic caps, microbial lamination eroded and filled with bioclasts, and entrapped bioclasts within microbial mats. These sedimentary features would have hardly been recorded in fine siliciclastic facies without the sand-sized bioclasts. Based on these features, together with other sedimentary evidence, Corumbella depositional settings in the Tamengo Fm. are reinterpreted as mid-ramp, subtidal settings. The multi-component organization of the skeleton of Corumbella favoured disarticulation to yield a sand-sized bioclast, so in turn creating a new complexity to shallow marine clastic settings typical of Phanerozoic marine depositional systems.