An emotion-modulated acoustic startle paradigm for inducing
positive and negative affect was used to address pregoal and
postgoal affect. Participants played a computerized lottery
task in which they chose digits that could match a subsequently
displayed, random set of numbers. In the positive conditions,
matches led to monetary rewards. In the negative condition,
matches led to an aversive noise blast. In three experiments,
we found eyeblink startle magnitude was potentiated just prior
to feedback concerning reward outcome, suppressed following
the feedback that a monetary reward was won, and potentiated
when threatened with an aversive noise. When presented with
a 0%, 45%, 90%, or 100% chance of winning, higher probabilities
suppressed startle response after feedback whereas the 45% trials
did not. These data indicate that postgoal positive affect (winning
reward) reliably suppressed the startle response whereas pregoal
positive affect did not.