The important visual stimulus parameters for a
given cell are defined by the classical receptive field
(CRF). However, cells are also influenced by visual stimuli
presented in areas surrounding the CRF. The experiments
described here were conducted to determine the incidence
and nature of CRF surround influences in the primary visual
cortex. From extracellular recordings in the cat's
striate cortex, we find that for over half of the cells
investigated (56%, 153/271), the effect of stimulation
in the surround of the CRF is to suppress the neuron's
activity by at least 10% compared to the response to a
grating presented within the CRF alone. For the remainder
of the cells, the interactions were minimal and a few were
of a facilitatory nature. In this paper, we focus on the
suppressive interactions. Simple and complex cell types
exhibit equal incidences of surround suppression. Suppression
is observed for cells in all layers, and its degree is
strongly correlated between the two eyes for binocular
neurons. These results show that surround suppression is
a prevalent form of inhibition and may play an important
role in visual processing.