Alachlor, chloramben, cinmethylin, diphenamid, fluazifop, fluazifop-P, metolachlor, metribuzin, napropamide, oryzalin, and sethoxydim were applied on transplanted sweet potato at Tifton, GA, during 1982 to 1985. The weeds most prevalent were large crabgrass, Florida pusley, smallflower morningglory, and yellow nutsedge. No significant phytotoxicity was observed from any herbicide treatment over the 4 yr. Cultivation at 4 wk is advantageous to eliminate early flushes of weeds which escape control and reform the beds. Alachlor or metolachlor at 4.5 and 3.4 kg ha-1, respectively, and metribuzin controlled weeds best. Although no serious phytotoxicity was evident, these treatments tended to cause lowered yields of marketable roots while marginally affecting total yields in most cases. Metribuzin was the only compound which controlled late-season broadleaf weeds such as smallflower morningglory effectively.