A fundamental question in attention theory concerns
the earliest processing stages that can be modulated by
selective attention. A series of experiments is reported
in which very early attention effects are found under specific
conditions in the frequency-following potential (FFP),
a brain stem response to low-frequency tone stimuli. In
two experiments, stimuli of two different modalities were
applied, and attention directed to one of the modalities.
In two further experiments, only auditory stimuli were
presented. In the first of these last two experiments,
a dichotic paradigm with sustained attention to one ear
was used, in the second a monotic paired-stimuli paradigm
was used, in which the first stimulus served as reference
for the second one. Only in the last experiment significant
attention effects were found in the latency, but not in
the amplitude of the FFP. The results show that a very
early attention effect on the latency of the FFP can be
demonstrated, but only under highly specific conditions.
The size and preconditions of the attention effect suggest
that it reflects subtle intramodal tuning mechanisms in
the cochlea or in the lower brain stem.