A combination of epitope excision, epitope extraction,
and differential chemical modification followed by mass
spectrometric peptide mapping was used for the characterization
of a discontinuous epitope that is recognized by the mouse
anti-HIV-p24 monoclonal antibody 5E2.A3. In epitope excision,
the protein is first bound to an immobilized antibody and
then digested with proteolytic enzymes. In epitope extraction,
the protein is first digested and subsequently allowed
to react with the antibody. After epitope excision of the
p24-5E2.A3 complex with endoproteinase Lys-C, a large fragment
remained affinity bound corresponding to amino acids 1–158
of HIV-p24 (fragment 1–158). Further digestion, however,
resulted in loss of affinity. Moreover, no affinity-bound
fragments were observed after an epitope extraction experiment.
These data from the epitope excision and extraction experiments
suggest that the epitope is discontinuous. For the further
characterization of the epitope, amino groups in the epitope-containing
fragment were acetylated in both the affinity bound and
free states followed by mass spectrometric analysis. Two
successive acetylation reactions were performed: (1) the
first used a low molar excess of acetic anhydride, and
(2) the second, after separation from the antibody, a high
molar excess of its hexadeuteroderivative. This isotopic
labeling procedure, in combination with high resolution
mass spectrometry, allowed the precise determination of
relative reactivities of amino groups. In this study, no
differences were observed in the ranking of the relative
reactivities of five lysine residues. However, the N-terminal
amino group was found to be part of the discontinuous epitope.