Mean δ15N of whole-plants of lettuce
and barley varied by [les ]3‰ when given a chemically
and isotopically uniform N source. This variation was
related to the presence, absence and species of arbuscular
mycorrhizal (AM) fungi and to external N concentration. A
highly AM-susceptible plant (lettuce) responded to treatments
differently than a less susceptible one (barley). The largest
change in whole plant δ15N was related to
the experimental combination most likely to be found in
field conditions: species of fungus interacting with
varying external concentrations of N.
The mechanisms underlying observed variations of plant
δ15N are not understood, nor can they be
approached directly using δ15N.
However, descriptive data, such as presented here, are
important to the development of a
mechanistic model, because they suggest relationships for
future research, using inter alia15N-enriched
tracers. They also confirm that plant N sources, cannot be
identified using plant δ15N, even when the
type of mycorrhizal association (endo vs. ecto) is known.